Customer Success is the first true digital program
Fabrizio Padua
Regional Head of Customer Success at SAS, Italy/Austria/South East Europe
The Pandemic has only accelerated a trend that has been underway for some time and that is the enhancement of the many data we have around us.
And even Customer Success does not hold back, on the contrary, since we are talking about the enhancement of acquired customers, it is the protagonist of this tsunami of data and analysis.
There are so many digital actions in the Customer Success program, let's see them together.
The collection of data on existing customers is a digital action, possibly automatic, and is achieved by combining Finance, Marketing, Sales to get a picture that is as truthful as possible.
The consequent classification of customers in High Touch / Low Touch / Digital Touch is a digital action even if mitigated by the non-virtual suggestions of the Sales Department.
Sending a "welcome mail" to introduce the benefits of the Customer Success program is a digital action: how else to define the contents present in welcome mail, that is the precious links to information sources often hidden even from historical users such as the choice of a refresher course, the best use of technical support, suggestions of where is that technical note that we have been looking for days.
Let's also say that due to the Pandemic, contacts with users are still for the vast majority via videoconference which is nothing more than a further digital action and also when we return to the "New Normal" the type of interlocutors of the Customer Success Managers being technical users they often favor digital communication, short and direct.
The totally virtual Ask The Expert campaign is a digital action with both live and offline downloadable webinars, short but rich in content and positioned at times and days compatible with work commitments. Even the request for 1: 1 meetings between users and specialists is a digital action because it is virtual.
The sharing of work plans with customers, the so-called Customer Success Plans, are also digital actions, highly appreciated, however, which aim to agree on who does what, objectives, times, expected results, various problems.
The Customer Watchlist program that puts particularly strategic customers under a magnifying glass to speed up the resolution of various problems is also a digital action as well as the internal coordination of the related plan.
The recently launched User Journey program is a complete digital action, from the presentation of the service to the signing of the most interesting path, from the periodic sending of technical information pills on a PC or mobile to the management of user feedback.
The enrichment and updating of internal company information systems with all the information that these programs collect is a digital action: just think of the thousands of very often obsolete personal data that can be "cleaned up" and ready for new, more effective marketing campaigns.
The technology that surrounds us is greatly facilitating digital communication wherever we are, we take it for granted today but until very recently it was not so easy and fast to use these tools.
Having said all this and appreciating the enormous steps forward that the digital revolution allows us to make, nothing can ever replace a coffee taken in person at the bar under the office to assert our empathy, the desire for sociality and finally be able to exchange a greeting. … Not virtual ??