Customer Services: The Role of an Analyst
Every job I've ever held has been customer-services at its core. From working on the cashdesk in a well known Spanish clothes store, to managing a supply chain of recruitment agencies for Network Rail, to what I do now; analysing requirements for a IT development.
When I think of 'customer services' the first image that flashes to my mind is standing on a shop floor, manning a Customer Services booth or sitting with a headset on, taking calls in a call centre. But there are so many other roles that are, essentially customer services, and I seem to gravitate towards them.
Analysis, in my opinion, is simply another form of customer service. Your role is to listen to and refine what your customer wants, and work out the best way to deliver it. You are quite often the customer-facing aspect of the development team, and you are responsible for ensuring that the end result is as close as possible to what the customer needs.
To do that, you need to make sure that you understand what the customer needs, and that you communicate that appropriately to the development team. You need to review what they're building periodically, to make sure it's still on track, and you need to keep in constant contact with your customer to make sure that nothing has changed, and to refine any vague or high level requirements.
The satisfaction that we garner from our role as analysts is (at least for me) in seeing that the customer is pleased with the end result; that it meets their basic needs and - hopefully - gives them an advantage, makes their lives easier and brings a smile to their face. I like to see them leave, satisfied. I like to see them come back again, at a later point in time, to ask for more, because what we've delivered to them already left a good impression.
As an analyst, you're crucial to that. Your relationship with the customer, and your efficiency in your role is of paramount importance. We're here to provide information to the development team, yes, but ultimately we're here to service our customers, and in doing so, build strong relationships that will only be beneficial in the long term. Just like a satisfied customer will return to a retail outlet again and again, provide repeat custom, the same is true where customers have a choice in where they place their business. Make them bring it to you!