#Love #Heart #Soul #Poet #Poem #Poetry #Knittle
Nowadays love seems to be like everything else made to throw away at will, we are in the age of me me me now now now, People used to get married and stay that way because they worked for it. This generation is to lazy to do that so they throw it away at the first sign of trouble... Love is forever and everlasting not a one night stand or contest it is so much more than saying I love you.. It is and comes from the heart and soul of who we are like Poetry.,....
Customer service for returns
Well damn, here I am again standing
in line up front in customer service
for returns at a busy Walmart store,
it seems to me that it is every
week now to replace my broken
heart they just don't make them
In any way like they used too
when you could drop it on the
ground step on it pick it up dust
it off and it still worked lasting
what seemed like forever with
just a few scars and fractures littered
here and about, maybe
this time I should also by me a
spare with as many times mine
Gets broke so the next time it
gets broken and I am down on
my hands and knees searching for
the missing Pieces with tears
falling down my like rain then
maybe I won't go as crazy or
possibly quite insane for I will
not need to wait quite as long,
hurting from all the pain in the
time it took to heal while watching
another one of my true loves
being flushed down the drain,
Maybe one day I pray that I
really will find a love that will
always stay but for now I will
Keep with the extended insurance
So I won't go Broke paying for a broken heart.
Richard M Knittle Jr. ?
? A #Poets Journey
none at none
7 年Outstanding poem.