Customer Paradigm shift in the Car buying process.

Customer Paradigm shift in the Car buying process.

The present generation of car buyers in India are more informed, tech-savvy, and demanding than ever before. Though Dealership operations have changed over last few years, OEM systems have also improved a lot. Infrastructure wise Showrooms have? become much better.? but dealerships need to modify their sales strategy to keep up with the change in the buying process of the customer.?


Today the number of customers who walk into a dealership to look at a car is not their first step, but a second step for them. Now there are online multi brand comparison portals like Car Wale, Car Dekho etc… , So now most of the customer when they think of buying a car, first they do an initial research on these platforms. Today most customers do all their research largely on these multi brand sites because they can see and compare all features and all colours of multiple brands. They may even do some calls. This research process starts many weeks or many months before the actual car buying process starts. But again, it is proven that very rarely customer will buy a car without walking into the showroom. When the customer is little clearer, that is when they will walk into the showrooms.?

Now, when customer goes to these online portals for getting information and when dealership gets the data of customer many times duplicate leads are also received as a customer may go to Car wale and enter a lead and after few days visit Car Dekho portal and then dealership gets lead of same customer from multiple sources, customer may get into different portals and explore but at the end he is going to buy only one car. Now the calls and follow up with customer is done by multiple people as there are multiple leads of same person from different portals and that effects the image of dealership with the customers. One customer is required to be attended by one person only even if data is collected from multiple sources by managing the leads properly and having a proper system which handles duplicate leads and provides information of duplicate leads coming from different sources.?

As we discussed earlier that leads are coming from many sources and the number of leads are healthy and effectiveness gets increased with regular follow up with customers through SMS, WhatsApp message and by sending once in a month brochures but still having direct communication with someone from the dealership is very important, and DSE’s are not the right people to expect to connect with each and very leads as they need to focus on immediate buying customers, the Tele-calling team can be utilised for having the customer connect by connecting with customers in fixed intervals and when customer shows interest or finalises to buy the car the DSE can takeover and interact with customers and close the deal.?

Today the number of leads in a dealership may be higher but in the long run if number of enquiries become less, dealerships who are Managing their leads and customer information have advantage over the others because they can go back to the leads which are not converted or Lost and pull them up and using their Tele-calling team can check how many potential customer may still be interested in buying a new car and continue follow up with those customers.?

Having a right system allows dealership to maintain the Leads in a searchable format and easily accessible to carry out various campaigns and follow up with Customer without disturbing DSE operations.

For More info contact:

Sanjeev Kumar- 8588018038

E: [email protected]


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