Customer is King"? Not always!
Michael (Mike) Wolf
Founder of Wolf Consulting | Sales Consultant, Trainer and Sales Coach. Advisory Board Member, Start-Up Mentor and fractional Sales VP
Unfortunately, making (more) money has eclipsed putting the customer first in this instance:
A successful restaurant in the next town over just opened a new place near me, and everyone was excited by the prospect of going there for their excellent food. But recent reports from customers have been unanimous in describing the crowded seating concept. Apparently the tables for 2 are not large enough for plates, bread plates and a bottle of wine. And the same is true for tables of 4, so the owners have apparently tried to squeeze a few more diners/$ into their space, regardless of compromising the comfort of the diners - and this is not a "simple" restaurant, with unsophisticated customers and low prices. My hope is that they accept all of the negative criticism and re-think their seating concept. I know I will not go there until they fix this problem!