Customer Focused Sales
Recently a friend and I had an interesting conversation about my compensation package as a sales professional. The old 'how and how much do you get paid' talk. I was bragging about a large project I was proud of that recently chose all Gill equipment. My friend said, "Wow 5% of $300,000 is a lot of money!" They were stunned by my reply:
"It is, but I don't make extra money (commission) on any sale I bring in."
It's true! On each and every sale I oversee, no matter how large or how small, I make nothing extra. My paycheck stays the same.
At Gill Athletics our sales team is not compensated by commission. Instead, we earn a generous competitive salary. People are typically confused by this, assuming all sales people are commission based. Not only am I not compensated with commission, I never want to earn commission!
After 15+ years of a salary based structure, I can tell you I am a happier person. Not having to worry about the commission I'll make on each sale is freeing, allowing me to always do the right thing for my customer. If my paycheck was mostly based on the sales I've made at the absolute highest margin, the sales process would no longer be about the customer. It would be all about me and my paycheck! This would force me to think in short-term solutions. This short-term thinking would require me to think about sales in a 'ME ME ME!' fashion.
Here at Gill, our leaders having taken a different approach. When you are stewards of a 100+ year old brand it comes with the territory to think on a more long-term basis. We believe doing the right thing is always the right thing and we believe relationships matter. Therefore, we strive to do the right thing to serve customers their entire career, thinking beyond any one sales opportunity.
Why does this matter to you? This long-term philosophy allows me to suggest purchasing our equipment from the right dealer partner that benefits you. I'm allowed to suggest not buying a piece of equipment that doesn't fit what you need. I have zero pressure to up-sell you into a size or quantity that doesn't meet your needs. This allows me to think of sales in a 'YOU YOU YOU!' fashion.
Our leaders have afforded me the ability to ask questions and listen for your real problems to help find the right solution. This might be our products, someone else's, or nothing at all.
This long term attitude allows me to think about you first and not my paycheck!
I'm so thankful to be able to think of my customer's needs first. Fully understanding this helped me transition from a job at Gill Athletics to a sustained fulfilled career.
PS: I don't judge commission sales people when they hustle to get everything they can as quickly as they can. It's a product of their system. Each sale is an extra dollar in their pocket. I'm just thankful that instead of thinking of my myself every time, I get to think about you and the value I can give.