The customer is a "datum" of proximity

The customer is a "datum" of proximity


The truest explanation for the success of an organizational leader does not come from his ability to accurately predict the future, but from his ability to accurately correlate the skills of his people with the changing demands of the marketplace. This requires that he or she has a consistent view of the market in which he or she will engage his or her troops and that he or she shares common values with those who will be responsible for the business and affairs of the organization he or she presides over.


Managers, like the rest of the organization's staff, do not have complete data, nor an infallible sense of interpretation, which allows them to win again and again in their reference market. They deal with the data available and, above all, they are very sensitive to the variations that occur in their market, to adapt as best they can at the time. Their staff does the same. What distinguishes the two orders of players, however, is that management sees far while staff sees close. And the customer is a local factor, not a distant one about the activity and the business being conducted. Market strategies, and not investment strategies (mergers and acquisitions), must therefore be in the hands of those who respond immediately to real demand, rather than in the hands of those who are less personally and certainly less directly concerned by the client's final demand.


As for the values of sharing within the organization, it is these values, and not the objectives of the task, which cement interpersonal relationships, that are required for the stability of behavior necessary for the activity and business leaders to perform well in the annual financial years. These values are not the result of a definition, even if a widely disseminated corporate statement is needed to convey them so that they are uniformly understood by all, but of the experience of the personnel throughout the organization's body of work. These values need to be meaningful, engaging, and current to be subscribed to first, and then to deliver results for the organization. If this is the case, their effect on the behavior of the actors on the job will be such that they will mark the differentiated personality of the organization. Differentiation, which Michael E. Porter discusses in his books, is based first of all on the values subscribed to in the organization by its first stakeholders in the activity and business, which are the members of the staff. It is impossible to imagine an organization with a strong culture of commitment to work without a set of values that unite the players who take up the cause of its activity and business and thus make its future competitive capacity more secure.


Values, to be better assimilated, are defined by clear, succinct, and precise statements that facilitate their understanding and adherence. Announced values, which are not verified in the course of operations, are market lures. These values have no value, inside or outside the organization. In fact, without the first (values), there is no second (value). See?






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