Customer Communication Coaching adapted with DISC (Our experience)
What you think of this post will depend on what type of person you are. For this reason, and because one of our clients asked us, Teknosell have developed a DiSC-version of our programs where we call sales- & service staff and act as different customer profiles.?
Our team was sceptical at first, but a we saw that the simplification in DISC offers a practical way of considering and discussing how people are different--and you cant do that if you consider all the nuances of humanity all the time.
There was also concerns that the DISC-concept would be percieved as too theoretical by automotive workshop staff, but it turned out to be well recieved by both service- & sales.
An unexpected benefit was that our internal cooperation improved from learning to understand different communication styles of team members, so we are thankful for this project in many ways!
Do your organization train staff to consider how customers are different, or is that too ambitious? Let us know in the comments!