Customer Awareness: Picture speaks a million words.. AR simply shows the reality
Let's be honest. Sales teams often carry their products or bring their customers to their shop floors to let them "experience" the products and hear the stories behind them. Digital media started changing these dynamics a few decades ago. Images and pictures made significant strides in creating customer awareness, and this approach seemed to work well for many years. So, what challenges might arise from using these digital media solutions in today's market? Do we need to explore new technologies like augmented reality (AR) merely for the sake of novelty?
Well, there are a few considerations:
Customer Experience: The transition from pictures to videos was simply an attempt to reduce the imagination required from customers. The only challenge is that even with videos, imagination is still necessary because the customer's context is missing. Context is not just about the room or the table; it’s about the reality in which the customer lives. No matter how many angles the product is shown from in a video, the customer will see it from a particular perspective that makes sense to them—just like why 360-degree mirrors are used in fitting rooms. Prioritizing the customer's context makes the overall buying experience much easier for them.
Customer Attention Span: Is the leap from pictures to videos to AR really that significant? Customers can still understand what’s being communicated. However, there’s a catch—they can understand it easily if they have the time and attention. Today, potential buyers are bombarded with countless options for a single purchase. It's difficult for them to recall or register one-way communication when their attention span is limited. The key to succeeding in the current market is using technology that can convey a message in just a few seconds.
Logistical Challenges for Businesses and Customers: Businesses might be willing to fly down customers, spending their sales budgets, but is it really easy for customers to take time off from their routine to travel or arrange for a group of stakeholders to travel? Alternatively, businesses can travel with their products, but it's still not the same as bringing customers to their site. What could be the next best thing to showing the product and its story live?
In all of these scenarios, a solution that is as effective as showing the product and its story live in action, with what-if scenarios included, is warranted. And if that solution doesn’t require special equipment or large investments, what could be better? Businesses are discovering that, in many cases, an AR solution is far more efficient and cost-effective. Gone are the days when building an AR solution took ages and resulted in a subpar output. Still skeptical? Try scanning a XORO Story Inc sample story's QR code from your mobile or tablet.
Bottomline? It is easy to unburden your customers and it is easier to tell an augmented reality story.
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