Custom ZBrush UI with a Purpose!
Hey guys, in case you missed it, earlier this week I shared a new tutorial on my YouTube channel on how to customise your ZBrush UI WITH A PURPOSE.
Here are the highlights/summary of the tutorial:
- Customising your UI in ZBrush is an ever-evolving process based purely on what works for you. The best thing you can do is record yourself working on a real project with the standard UI and playback the video to see what are the tools you use the most (or don't use).
-Try not to add a bunch of 'stuff' to your UI just to have more tools in it. Removing elements that are not used often could be more beneficial and you create more space for your working area.
-The steps to create a custom UI in ZBrush is very simple: 1) switch on the 'Enable customise' from the Preference palette. 2) hold the Ctrl + Alt key to move, remove or add elements to your custom UI. 3) save your UI as a file and/or click 'Store config' to make it default
- You can also create a custom palette in ZBrush from the Preference Palette > Custom UI. Add any UI elements to it and assign a shortcut to your own palette/menu to access it from anywhere on the screen.
-To assign a hotkey in ZBrush, use 'Ctrl+Alt+Left click' on a switch or button and then press your new hotkey (the 'enable customise' from the preferences should be off)... you can map the new hotkey to your table or pen buttons ;)