Custom Shade Matching Made Simple
Fig 1. Author created custom shade tabs
Fig 2. GC Initial IQ One Body ZR System
Fig 3. Reflection Liners will help with chroma color matching
Fig 4. Custom ceramic shade tabs
Fig 5. Zirconia coping tried on the model for fit check
Fig 6. GC One Body build-up color “A” group
Fig 7. After first bake, 810°C with vacuum
Fig 8. Ibex Dental Technologies Summit Porcelain oven
Fig 9. Eggshell appearance
Fig 10. Surface texture markings
Fig 11. GC Lustre Paste was applied to the incisal area for translucency
Fig 12. Mirrored image of the restoration
Fig 13. Try-in the mouth
Fi 14. Post-cementation
The author noticed during the custom shading appointment that his patient dehydrated quickly and had a high smile line which made it hard to match her shine. He used a rubber polish to create the gingival to mesial and distal corner color, as well as for the incisal 1/3.
As a technician, the author knows that it’s hard to make people understand that sometimes change is needed in our methods. People like their habits and they don’t want to alter what they are used to doing. With the newer GC Initial porcelain products available and on the market, he would like to demonstrate how much more efficiently we can accomplish our porcelain work if we will attempt to learn a new system. In accepting new ideas, we are learning to think outside the box!