Custom Map Prints
Traditionally, when it's time to send a final strand map or deliver locations to our clients, we send a read-only link to the job in Katapult Pro. This link contains all of the data that we collected, along with all photos, maps, and measurements. Each pole is clearly identified so that multiple parties can easily reference the same locations and photos while on a conference call or settling make ready disputes.
These links, while powerful and dynamic, often display too much information for some workflows (make ready construction, for example). Additionally, it requires some understanding of our software and workflow that some clients and contractors may not have. To get around this, we developed KMZ and shapefile exports that could be used to generate simpler, less powerful maps, or beautified CAD-style map prints.
Late last year, we decided that it was time for something better. As a part of launching Version 4.0 and simplifying common deliverables, we started to develop custom photo forms and map prints to augment our online maps.
The new Map Prints can be found at the top of the user interface under the print button called "Toggle Print Mode." When this mode is turned on, users can select the scale and view for a custom PDF deliverable.
In this view, users will select paper space settings and the orientation of their PDF deliverable, as well as the colors and logo they would like to display. Then, users can set the annotation styles, size, and color, as well as create new annotations or seed annotations based on chosen attributes.
When the annotations are completed, users can preview their map prints and download the PDF from the Map Prints section or from the download manager. Check out this training video for a more in-depth look.
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