Custom Copilot - Number API Agent
Let’s implement another scenario where we will call API and get response and return back it to user.
It’s a simple scenario where we will ask user to enter any number, again likewise in previous article we will pass it to power automate flow. From there we will call numbersapi that will return us some description against each user input number. For example if we enter 42 it will return description shown in below description.
Again start with new topic in Microsoft Copilot and enter triggered phrase “Let’s play magic number” and then ask user for number and save user response in a variable.
Now pass user input number to power automate flow as parameter.
Now create a power automate flow set the number received from Microsoft Copilot topic in variable named “UserInput”.
Add and HTTP action to the flow.
Now provide the required parameters.
Method – Get
When the above HTTP action call API an return some description back, set the return value to ending node variable “Output”.
After completion you can test your work in Microsoft Copilot studio and publish it.
Finally after successfully publish you can test it into your F&O instance.