CURVE 3.0 and 3.1 update
This is a short update on Eucalyptus' reservoir defining CURVE 3.0. Eucalyptus Consulting Inc. has hired a part-time IT expert to streamline/simplify the software and to increase its performance speed. He blows me away and showing my naivety about program structure in spite of many years of programming - on and off since the 1980s. This expert, who is into programming and hardware has done so since he was a little boy - literally - I know because he is my son known on YouTube as HotNoob (Cody Wasser).
On the other hand, I focused the program on doing what I felt it should be able to do - which is quite different than typical petrophysical software as it integrates many of the aspects that we can quantify in core (not just sedimentaary structures). In my opinion, other than regular core analysis, most petrophysicists don't understand rock like geologists and... most geologists don't understand how wireline logs measure rock or how to process and interpret this data. Geologists often place emphasis on depositional interpretation. Petrophysicists believe that 'logs don't lie' but do not realize how much is not shown.
?Maybe I should call Curve reservoir geological software as it integrates petrophysics, geology with emphasis on petrography, laboratory data and reservoir engineering considerations. It is based on a wide-range of inputs ('features' using AI language) and probably is the next step we will see for rock evaluation in the future (quite ambitious ??)
Up to now, I considered CURVE software proprietory for Eucalyptus and its clients. I changed my mind because...
I am quite old and may loose my marbles over the next decade or so. Therefor considering how much time (years) I have spend to write the software, it could be a waste of time unless (in a year or so) Eucalyptus would make it available to the industry - probably on a Software As A SERVICE (SAAS) basis (yearly subscription).
CURVE will never be perfect, there are always other topics to be added. It will be updated on a regular basis via the web. I love geology and probably consult until ‘the cows come home’ - I would not know how else to be an active thinker in my life. The Eucalyptus vision for CURVE (3.0 and 3.1) will be an important part thereof.