THAT CURSED “C” WORD (... and why we must talk about it)
Who hasn’t heard about Candyman? Stand in front of a mirror and say his name three times (or is it five), and you may not live to tell the tale. The “C” of this essay is of a different ogre but of similar consequence. Hopefully, this telling will not call forth the wrath but forestall it.
Here is the story. In the decade to 2021, Africa recorded less than one successful coup d’état per year.[1]?However, in the last two years, the continent has seen six military coups, with two in 2022.?According to?António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, "military coups are back."[2]
The Sahel region is host to this cancer, which coup data from 1950 to 2010[3]?shows have always been vulnerable. Other countries in the area are at risk of the "neighbourhood effect” mainly because of prevailing socio-economic challenges. Likewise, the international community has demonstrated that it is unlikely to take any meaningful action against such coupists. Furthermore, according to Ruth First, in her 1970 book, “The Barrel of a Gun,” successful coups in one country encourage coupists in the neighbouring countries to give it a go. What could be the effect of the forthcoming high-octane elections in Ghana and Nigeria on this prevailing risk?
With the voicing of the dreaded “c” word, how does one prevent the Candyman effect? How should African countries collectively prevent being sucked through the mirror???What is the bulwark against the risk of a further spread of coups in the region? Who should be doing what, and when? What are the roles of current and former political leaders? Who should coordinate civil society leaders to raise public opposition to coups even before it becomes a viable option? Is there a shared strategy amongst the nations in the region? If yes, who is coordinating it? If not, who should be?
Africa needs an anti-coup strategy. The international community should partner with African leaders to develop this strategy.??Collectively, they should issue a strong and unequivocal position against any disruption to the democratic process. No one should be lured by the erroneous arguments of a “good coup”[4]?or benevolent dictator.??The CIA has a rich and well-documented history of financing or supporting coup d’états.??Donald Trump, as U.S. president, celebrated the 2019 coup in Bolivia, while a 2021 poll by Vanderbilt University shows that?40 per cent?of Americans will support a coup.
Notwithstanding the above, the international community plays a role in Africa’s anti-coup strategy. In September 2021,?UN Secretary-General António Guterres blamed “the lack of unity among the international community”?[5]?for the growing inability to stem the tide. This challenge worsens with strained relations between the?U.S., China, and Russia.
President Biden’s African leaders’ summit in December 2022 is a good place to start. I made this argument at a meeting organised by Senators Tim Kaine (D, VA), Mark Warner (D, VA), Chris Van Hollen (D, MD), and Ben Cardin (D, MD) on November 09, 2022, at the U.S. Senate Russell Building. I suggested that the coup threat should be a central agenda item for the Biden Summit. A conducive political environment is a substructure for all discussions on economic cooperation, trade, and investments. These issues would be non-starters if the continent regressed to earlier decades when the jackboots held commanding heights across Africa. The response, as one can expect from such an event, was that the issue would be part of the agenda.??We will be watching.
The world has the tools to make coups unattractive. Economic sanctions can be effective when such governments are cut off from capital markets and development funds. The West may not be eager to pursue such a strategy unless it has partners in Africa – previous and current leaders – championing such a course.??While one acknowledges the well-documented impact of economic sanctions – especially on ordinary citizens – the world is savvier with tools that target regime members. As with many public policy challenges, it will be a choice of lesser evils.
Without prejudice to whatever the U.S. government intends to include in the summit agenda, Nextier – an Africa-based policy advisory firm – intends to organise a?high-level policy roundtable on an African anti-coup strategy. While the event will be on the side line of the U.S.-African Leaders Summit, it will have an African President as the keynote speaker, senior African and U.S. government officials, security agencies, and the broader policy community.??The intent is to use the session to raise awareness on this issue and trigger efforts towards a solution.
Nextier aims to use the event to trigger a series of engagements that will lead to a collaboration between African governments and their international partners to create a bulwark against coup d’états spreading through Africa. The continent has had a long, torturous walk towards liberal democracy. Those gains must be protected.
Mentioning the cursed “c” word raises the risk of implanting this idea in the minds of illiberal elements. However, to the contrary, one aims to forestall the risks. There is a need to build a bulwark against the threat of coups.??The best time to do so was yesterday through socio-economic development and political reforms. Today is the second-best time. This season is the time to start talking to prevent the tears.
[1]?Powell, Jonathan & Clayton Thyne. 2011. Global Instances of Coups from 1950-Present.?Journal of Peace Research?48(2):249-259.
[2]?United Nations (2021).?Solidarity ‘Missing in Action’, Secretary-General Tells General Assembly, Decrying ‘Malady of Mistrust’ while Stressing:??‘We Must Get Serious’.??Press Release.??United Nations.?September 21, 2021. Available at:?
[3]?Powell, Jonathan M., and Clayton L. Thyne (2011). “Global Instances of Coups from 1950 to 2010: A New Dataset.” Journal of Peace Research 48(2):249-259.??Available at?
[4]?Miller, A.C., 2011. Debunking the myth of the" good" coup d’état in Africa.?African Studies Quarterly, 12(2), p.45.
[5]?United Nations (2021). Solidarity ‘Missing in Action’, Secretary-General Tells General Assembly, Decrying ‘Malady of Mistrust’ while Stressing: ‘We Must Get Serious’.??Press Release.??United Nations.?September 21, 2021. Available at:?
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2 年Is there possibly a link to mineral resource control in the recent surge in coups in the region?