The Curse Of The Mediocre Majority
St John Craner
?Rural Sales and Marketing Training & Trainer ? Rural Marketing /Agribusiness Agency Owner ? Podcaster ? Author ? Sales Coach & Speaker ? Media Commentator ? Kellogg Scholar
Statistics NZ states the average income in New Zealand is $NZ56,160. In Australia, it's not much more.
That's not a lot when you consider the current cost of living.
Yet most rural reps do just enough to get by on their $70-80k ish salaries so they can cruise (and around 57% of them never make quota but that's a story for another day...).
Cruising and doing the minimum is a curse.
Just like leading a life of mediocrity.
It robs the world of your potential.
And you won't amount to much.
Plus you won't set a good standard-bearer example to your kids.
That's when you give up your own choice and agency on life because you will have to rely on others.
I got a great piece of advice from a mentor of mine a long time ago.
He said:
"If you don't have a plan for your own life, you'll become part of somebody else's plan for theirs."
So my question to you is:
Is this the life you really want?
In this life, you either take action or you get acted upon.
The world - and sales - won't get any easier.
Machine learning, AI and automation may mean many jobs become redundant (anyone - including copywriters - noticing all the ChatGPT content?).
If you're selling commodities they could soon be sold by computer, clubs and algorithms.
Maybe Amazon Rural turns up??
They won't need as many humans because computers always turn up for work.
Your strategy against automation are your skills which = your security.
If you want to take charge of your own income generating potential you need to continually learn and up-skill.
The days will soon run out where you can bully your boss into a pay rise because of a lack of available talent.
The tide will turn as machines do more and how you turned up at work will determine whether they keep you or fire you.
Wage costs have spiralled in the last few years but they always eventually come at a cost because that employer needs to find ways to cut those costs.
The value equation is simple:
Do more than is asked of you.
Put in the hours.
Turn up on time.
Have a good attitude.
Be proactive.
Give more than you get.
Learn constantly.
Economic times and recessions sort the wheat from the chaff whether it's people or business.
The mediocre majority will always suffer because they didn't put the work in which makes them less essential when times get tough.
Remember, average gets average.
Don't be average.
You have a choice and it's up to you.
I am on a mission to help rural business owners, managers and reps get the respect and results they deserve.
Please make sure you Follow Me here on LinkedIn so you don’t miss any of my articles.
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PS. Make sure you get a copy of my "How To Succeed In Rural Sales" ebook before I take it down. You can download your FREE copy?here
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