This tree is native to India and curry leaves can be found easily in almost every Indian kitchen. Curry leaves also called “Kadi Patta” are the foliage of the Curry tree (Murraya koenigii).This aromatic, highly flavourful herb has unique flavour and countless nutritional and therapeutic benefits. They add warmth and lovely aroma to the dishes. It is also called curry patta or meetha neem in Hindi. The leaves are used in both culinary and medicinal purposes. Curry leaves are not the same as curry powder though it is added to popular spice curry powder. They promote overall health due to presence of powerful plant compounds like alkaloids, glycosides, antioxidants and phenolic compounds. Antioxidants play an important role in keeping your body healthy and free from diseases by reducing oxidative stress and scavenging free radicals.
Curry leaves are very rich in nutrients like copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, zinc and fibre. They also contain vitamin C, Vitamin B2 & B6, vitamin E, amino acids and fibre. Adding curry leaves to your diet can prevent several deficiencies and strengthen your immunity naturally. They are used fresh or in dried form in cooking to impart flavour to dishes. Like mustard seeds, turmeric these leaves are used daily in Indian cuisines. Hence curry leaves are an integral part of food culture in our country. The taste of these leaves is mildly bitter, flavourful and edgy.
It has various health benefits:
·??????Curry leaves helps to treat wounds, rashes, boils and mild burns. A paste made by grinding curry leaves using water serves as antiseptic and stops bleeding from wounds instantly.
·??????It makes your immune system strong thereby prevents you from getting sick in the first place.
·??????It is useful to control obesity as it helps improve metabolism and reduce Ama. This is due to its digestive properties.
·??????It is good remedy for anaemia as it is rich in iron and folic acid.
·??????It stimulates hair growth, treats damaged hair as they are rich source of amino acids essential for hair growth and help strengthen hair follicles and regrow new hair. It adds bounce to the limp hair and stops hair fall. It also helps in treating dandruff.
·??????As curry leaves are low in sodium and high in potassium have a significant therapeutic effects on treatment of high blood pressure. Curry leaves have properties that help to lower one’s blood cholesterol levels. This herb is packed with antioxidants which prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), so protects from blocking of arteries and heart diseases. May reduce heart disease risk factors like high cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels and inflammation. These results are correlated with the presence of high amount of alkaloid called mahanimbine in them. Research shows that it has hepato-protective properties due to presence of tannins and alkaloids in the leaves which activates the organ to function more effectively.
·??????They are good for brain health as they contain alkaloid glutathione peroxidase essential for brain health. It may boost your memory, focus and concentration levels and protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.
·??????It may have anticancer effects due to presence of carbazole alkaloids and antioxidants like quercetin, catechin, rutin, and gallic acid which help protect the body from a various cancers like colorectal cancer, leukaemia(blood cancer), and prostate cancer and inhibit the growth of breast cancer and cervical cancer.
·??????Curry leaves protect and stimulate insulin producing cells of pancreas from free radical damage. It is beneficial for blood sugar control and protect against symptoms related to diabetes, including nerve pain and kidney damage.
·??????It has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which inhibits the growth of potentially harmful bacteria including Corynebacterium tuberculosis. So, it helps fight off infections and protect the body from any invading microbe. It helps clear mucous deposits in the nasal passages, thereby treating respiratory issues.
·??????It improves oral health due to its strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, they can kill microbes that cause plaques, gingivitis etc. Try gargles with curry patta boiled and cooled water, every morning to see good results.?Curry leaves help in quick healing of mouth ulcers due to its healing property. For this take some curry patta powder and mix it with honey to form a paste and apply it on the tongue, inside bottom of the lips, gums and inside cheeks to manage ulcers.
·??????May improves eyesight and treat eye relating issues as they are rich in Vitamin A and Beta carotene. They prevent cornea from drying up and thereby prevent night blindness and formation of cataracts in the eye.
·??????As it is rich in fibre it supports bowel movement and help you relieve constipation.
·??????As beauty aid, apply the freshly prepared paste mixed with little turmeric and curd on your face for 5-10 minutes to get rid of pimples, acne, boils and pigmentation on face. It improves the texture of the skin. Use this remedy 1-2 times a week to control acne and effective skin brightening.
·??????It decreases the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and protects bone marrow against chromosal damage.
·??????It is helpful in fighting morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, stomach upset, acidity and ulcers by boosting digestion and detoxification of the body. Pregnant women can safely take it to get relief from morning sickness and nausea.
?For this extract juice from fresh curry leaves by adding some water and then add 1 teaspoon of lime juice and a pinch of jiggery. Consume it daily as it increases digestive secretions.
Apart from tempering your food, you can also chew fresh curry leaves every morning on an empty stomach for amazing health benefits for your skin, hair and digestive health and weight loss.
After reading about so many health benefits of these aromatic Kadi patta you will be tempted to try them. Here is how you should take it to derive health benefits.
Drink a glass of water the first thing in the morning. After few minutes chew some fresh curry leaves properly or drink curry leaves tea and wait for 30 minutes before eating breakfast. It helps in burning unwanted fat and flushing out toxins from the body.
Take dry curry leaves powder ? – 1/2 teaspoon with a glass of water, after breakfast or?lunch.
The daily use of curry leaves is bound to show promising results.
Side effects:
It is beyond doubt that curry leaves are safe to eat and excellent for health. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing might cause some problems in some people:
Allergies – if you have itching, redness or swelling after using curry leaves then avoid it.
Excessive consumption of fibre may upset stomach in some people and cause bloating, burning sensation, diarrhoea and cramps.
May lower blood pressure. So eat it in moderate amounts. People who have low blood pressure should avoid taking it on empty stomach.