Curry leaves of the corporate world
Sheila Vishwanath
An enthusiastic Learning and Development Specialist with experience in Learning Strategy & Solutions design, Organizational development initiatives, Talent Management & Organizing Assessment Centers. Active guest blogger
The curry leaf retains its identity, comes packed with uniqueness and manages to contribute effectively.
?Most times it blends without losing identity- Often, in order to contribute effectively one feels the need to belong. This need pushes you towards what is known as the “herd mentality”. Ability to blend and get along is often mistaken with the tendency for people's behaviour or beliefs to conform to those of the group to which they belong. If you feel a sense of belonging only when you conform then you could be treading a dangerous path because conformance can be limiting, which also means your acceptance is not for who you are but for whom you confirm with. Conformance is often mistaken as alignment. I can be aligned and yet be a non-conformist like the curry leaf.
?Curry leaf - Retains its identity & contributes effectively by augmenting and complimenting what is already there. The curry leaf is able to add aroma and flavour without distorting or overpowering what the other ingredients are meant to do. It’s able to retain its identity and uniqueness and in that sense blend without breaking or bending.
?Blending without breaking or bending is something that can be achieved only when the leader creates a sense of belongingness among the team and allows individuality, uniqueness, and differences to thrive.