Curriculum Vitae / Resume
Activism / Community Involvement:
Homeowners Association Board Certifications:
Lake Glenn Ellen, 2010 through 2018:
Marketing Communications:
Integrated Mar-Com events; trade-shows: Advertising, Media; Public Relations. Caribbean-regional experience. Lead Youth Cricket Tournament sponsorship, customer events, and trade-shows.
Writer / Editor: Author of two books:
Destroyed Dreams & Sue?os Destruidos, click below to watch trailer:
English: Destroyed Dreams and Spanish: Sue?os Destruidos, while employed by Nortel Networks, wrote for Caribbean and Latin America “Nortel World,” a global internal employee magazine (154 countries).
LinkedIn Articles / Newsletters: 331 Articles - 2,502 Subscribers - 12,101 Followers
12,057 Connections, 37 Groups
Human Resources – Personnel Management:
Mgr Labor Relations – 345 people facility undergoing change towards quality driven organization.
Insurance Agency:
Hands-on responsibility for all aspects of day-to-day operations, including claims, policy renewals, accounts receivable / payable, and the proper allocation of resources.
Operational Process Improvement:
For a small restaurant chain; developed bi-lingual policies; procedures [English & Spanish]. Reviewed leases for cost containment purposes. Obtained lease concessions. Mapped catering process, creating forms to capture customer information; calculate requirements. Revised menu, collaborating with wine suppliers who agreed to cover printing costs. Developed / published family story through local publications.
Training - Communications:
Latin America – Europe experience as spokesperson-trainer for process driven initiative. Conducted 1st LIVE broadcast between Sunrise, Florida, and the University of the West Indies, Trinidad.
Diversity – Cross Cultural Communications – TranslationsInitiated English-Spanish translations dept for proposals / contract / and key collateral documentation.
Experience involving every aspect of ownership of a small business. Rent-A-Car agency ownership provided wide understanding of people interaction to achieve sales; attain accounts; produce profits.
Translate and Interpret: English to Spanish and vice-versa