Curriculum Intent into Implementation
Glynis Frater
Leader of Coaching and CPD at Learning Cultures. ?? CPD for Teachers ?? Author of Primary Curriculum Design and Delivery published March 2023 and Secondary Curriculum Design and Delivery published January 2025
Curriculum intent into implementation
My book Primary Curriculum Design and Delivery is now published. It takes a deep dive into the focus on intent into implementation and how to design and deliver a seamless and sequenced primary curriculum. I am currently writing its sister publication about the secondary curriculum which will be published towards the end of the year.
My focus for both is to look in detail at the complex issues around curriculum intent into implementation and offer practical solutions to creative and cohesive design and delivery.
Being an integral part of the growth and development of Learning Cultures over 12 years has given me the opportunity to delve deeply into what makes an outstanding curriculum and how through the power of professional conversations all schools can build an innovative and exciting curriculum that leads to the highest quality of education.
There is a vocabulary that all those from senior leaders, middle, curriculum, subject leaders and teachers need to know in the pursuance of excellence in their planning and delivery of a powerful curriculum offer. Intent and implementation or design and delivery of the curriculum starts with positive and transformational senior leadership defining the intent, the vision and the ambition, but the distribution of responsibility for its implementation is firmly with subject leaders and experts who can empower and work with their teaching teams to deliver outstanding pedagogy and deep learning.
Defining quality through a deep dive into curriculum intent and implementation
Since its inception in 2014 the new curriculum for England has become the fulcrum by which we measure quality in relation to the education we choose to shape for pupils in early years, primary and secondary schools. The most recent OFSTED handbook echoes throughout a desire to build the highest quality of leadership, teaching and learning, behaviour and pastoral care across the sector.
What I have tried to do is to look beyond the scope of inspection to the possibilities of developing a highly innovative and sequenced curriculum to ignite a passion for learning for both teachers and pupils that will last a lifetime. Curriculum intent into implementation has a wide and complex range of facets and needs to be a part of a well-structured CPDL strategy.
The course outlined below is a not to be missed deep dive into how to create the evidence of depth and breadth and a seamless learning experience that transcends three key stages.
I continue to be immersed in research into the curriculum and the absolute essential CPD that must be at the heart of building a curriculum offer that delivers the vision and sets the parameters for measuring and assuring the highest quality outcomes. Although this first book is aimed at the primary school leaders, subject and phase leaders and teachers as well as teacher educators it should also be of interest to those involved in the education of those in year 7 and key stage 3. There is an absolute imperative for secondary schools to build on prior learning especially as pupils cross the transition bridge from KS2 to KS3.
This course about transition from primary to secondary school. It is one of our most popular courses. It is highly praised and provides a wealth of outstanding resources, materials and activities for you to ensure all pupils thrive and grow as they move from year 6 to year 7. This course is also available to download as an on demand version.
Professional conversations about curriculum intent and how it translates into the highest quality implementation in every subject and across year groups, phases and key stages are the key to success. My first book about the primary curriculum and its sister publication do and will include a wealth of guidance and ideas as to how to build a learning culture that puts curriculum at the heart of creating the highest quality education.
Consistency in curriculum design and delivery comes from creating time for senior and subject leaders to work together as well as subject leaders and their teams collaborating to plan what to teach, when to teach and how to teach their subject. Then time should be allocated for all involved to reflect on what works well and how all those involved can continue to grow in their role and build a collaborative process of continuous excellence and improvement.
Learning Cultures are a leading provider of CPD for the education profession
Create the conversations, build the frameworks and deliver the highest quality outcome. Create the partnerships that will ensure all pupils build on their prior learning, shape the structures that build in a sequence to the learning and identify opportunities to share a profound understanding of the concepts within subjects and those that transcend subject specific learning. Have at your fingertips the resources and materials that will allow you to take the content of our CPD courses and programmes back to school and continue to learn and share your learning with your colleagues.
We are currently putting many of our courses onto an 'on demand platform'. We can deliver them as live webinars with one of our expert coach/trainers delivering the course and we are venturing back into venues around the country. We have courses on quality, leadership, curriculum, well-being, pupil premium as well as courses for Cover Supervisors and Teaching Assistants.
Coaching is at the heart of everything we do. Developing a coaching culture is the framework you need to build highly interactive, self-sustaining and cost-effective CPD that leads to learning for all staff and pupils. Have a look at our coaching courses which are, we know, from the outstanding feedback we receive, the best. Sign up for one our superb programmes that lead to a Certificate in Coaching for individuals or for senior leaders.
Senior Leadership Coaching Programme - a twelve month learning opportunity that supports individual senior leaders or where a team can work together to develop coaching skills and learn how to implement a coaching culture in a school or college.
Certificate in Coaching: A journey in coaching - This programme is for individuals or teams who want to develop as coaches. An excellent learning experience where those involved learn with a coach and can practice their growing skills with colleagues, with their pupils or students and with their Learning Cultures' coach.
If you would like to find out more, talk to Glynis about her book or book one of our courses or programmes, fill out one of our Contact us forms on our website or give us a call on 01746 765076 or 07974 754241 to talk directly to Glynis.?