Current Times
Charlie Anderson
Peak Performance Coach at Lightning Thoughts Ltd I help teams and individuals get from where they are to where they want to be. Mapping a course of action for success as well as assessing and implementing changes.
So we are in to the second quarter of the year, Covid19 continues to cause issues with business and home life. People are beginning to complain in regards to the lockdown and lack of social interaction.
Unfortunately this is the situation and I always believe there is at least something we can change, be it our attitude or the situation. In this case attitude and mentality are huge. I believe if we focus on the positives that can be had during lockdown. Time gained to read and learn more, Meditate, spend time with the ones you live with.
There are plenty of things we can do to ensure we pass through this difficult time and remember, you can still go out to exercise, go shopping and things outside that you've been putting off.
A lot of people complain they don't have time indoors and now you have an abundance to utilise in a way that is beneficial to you. It's time to take an account of the things that you want to do and the things that are important to you. Learn to enjoy your own company and have faith that like all things, this will pass.
You can't put your foot in the same river twice -Heraclitus 544 B.C.
The reason for this is by the time you have put your foot in the river, your foot has changed, the river has changed and everything around you has changed. Change is inevitable, my philosophy is the principles Be On Point.
Don't let the outside world control how you feel or what you think. You choose how you feel and if your not sure how to make that decision feel free to contact me.
#BeOnPoint #Mindset #Belief #Motivation #LifeGoals