Current State of Intimate Relationships Reflect Primary Attention Given To Our Inner Selves!
Paula Andrea Pyle

Current State of Intimate Relationships Reflect Primary Attention Given To Our Inner Selves!

We lose our way (composure/self-confidence) when we look to the outer world, (relationships, people, places, things, careers, education and events) to guide us into our delegated paths of destiny. When we disassociate from the remarkable precise direction offered by our inner world, we remain 'off course', confused, belligerent and skeptical about our footing as to our particular place in the universe, at the moment.

Our intimate relationships reveal an uncertainty not discussed openly.

The outer world is but an ever evolving unreliable mirage, without boundaries and purposeful meaning, in as much as it reflects preconceived conditions. It does not detect but merely reflects a state of memory. In other words, the outer world is an outward expression of an inner nebulous experience of desire for permanency. Familiarity is supposedly accepted for security. Giving credence and value to it unnecessarily, as a separate functioning entity, brings elevated perplexity and condescending despair.

Things occur for reasons incomprehensible to us.

Though we go to great lengths to add our unsolicited opinions, and smear our unjustified ignorant remarks so callously, the truth remains while the rest falls away. Nothing we say or do can change one iota of what is to be. We are not now, nor will we ever be, greater than the Tao (reality) that sustains us. It matters not what one relates, refers and registers this sacred energy as (god, universal spirit, nitrogen), the impersonal movement requires no acknowledgment to carry out a supreme super structural force and intent.

In other words, we will not be consulted on the sublime activities which occur in our lives without consent or confirmation.

Though the words seem somewhat fated, in a sense, arbitrarily the very opposite is the case. We can and do move through the mind's enslavement of our reoccurring predicaments (most especially in relationships) when we consciously succumb to the sanctified WILL of what is. This unapproachable WILL transcends our resistant personality barriers which so easily and conveniently beset us.

We have become sterile in our attempts to break through the facade of outward supported and praised meaningful purpose. We usually give up or fall short, convincing ourselves that it's easier to leave things exactly as they are, when the entire time another item on the 'what's in it for me' agenda operates full force. We rarely realize the extent we try to manipulate, control and manufacture our circumstances with these devious lies of ill repute. We KNOW we simply cannot maintain the 'status quo' but will fight like crazy to deny, denigrate or deliver more of our fictitious selves in hopelessly eroding situations.

As a means to hold things together or push things to conclusion, our actions are always selfishly generated for benefit and based upon maintaining security.

Because the outer appearances have been drilled into the psyche as offering something of worthwhile merit, we will do just about anything called for, drawing from the deepest recesses in our vividly rich imaginations to continue with the show. No matter how poorly produced and ill wittily directed. Sadly enough, our depth of pride remains entrenched and will not be subjected to the thought of loss, disappointment or embarrassment.

We are so dubiously attached to and inseparably identified with the outer world of razzle-dazzle appearances, we associate, derive and allocate our basic needs, (insubstantial drives and inarticulate demands-more or less) directly from the source of the cleverly devised farce we invented. Until we encounter and surmount the ill-faced elusively imposed demons (who continually belittle our authentic needs), we will remain unhappy and unsettled. Not to mention the vital youthful life force being drained from out bodies int he process!

Self-absorption is our most clever game of indisputable self-deceit.

But, the corroding deception lies not with what is ingrained in our souls' roots but in the horrendously prefabricated plays we create and induce as purposeful realms of relationship experience. We look to the outer world and declare it as something that matters while we forfeit the non-intrusive voice of authenticity from deep within. Because it asks for nothing and seeks less, (as a 'comprehensible yearning' of self-unity, neither recognized nor appreciated) we discount it altogether.

The Still Small Voice summons us to return home!

How will we possibly ever begin to tap into our most cherished ruthless soul of reverent liberation and recognition IF we continue to uphold a fictitious identify along with the ridiculously absurd constructs which hold it into place? We need to stop running, hiding and erecting fancy, socially suitable, glistening castles we are miserable while inhabiting. Far be it from me to add: We find our innate treasures and true talents among the compost in our lives. Yes, compost. Those areas which embarrass, confound, shame and ridicule.

In those precarious 'Watery' situations where nothing seems to fit or make any sense lie our cosmic rafts.

When we work tirelessly trying to fix circumstances, the caution flag of discontent rises higher to alert us we are working in vain. Surface appearances are NOT important in the scheme of things. What is important is getting in touch with what's going on inside. IF the 'still small voice' is being silenced, we are at odds with the present episode, no matter how it appears. We are walking in the midst of our own combustible ashes and they will reignite.

No amount of diminishing fear and prodding avoidance will make things right.

A mobilizing energetic psycho-analytic Self-quest is excruciating! There's no two ways about it. IF we look for the easy way out, (by not confronting the incessant inner call of rebirth) we guarantee events whose three hundred headed demon of mocking restlessness waits for us on the other side laughing uproariously at our uninformed and futile escape tactics. We must confront that which we never let surface while calling each hideous distraction by name.

Accepting the truth found in the gap of "not knowing the obvious solution" is the first step to recovery. We are simply bored to numbed indifference!

When we feel the unrelenting pressure of the ambiguous waifs of insecurity and see nothing but uncertain doors of apparent resolve expanding, push through the awkward space, until our minds can no longer pacify or lure us into believing we have no further work to do on ourselves. Folly!

Then; and only then, will our intimate relationships reflect true venerated peace of mind in whatever situation arises. And, that my friends, IS the true meaning of happiness!


Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Ed.的更多文章

