Current Role of Technology in Adult Education or Higher Education

Current Role of Technology in Adult Education or Higher Education

Educational technologies have revolutionized the process of educating learners. Over the years and across multiple initiatives and innovative approaches to learning, technology has continued to evolve with the times. This paper will discuss the history of educational technology, its use, and its relevance in today's educational spaces. This paper will also discuss how technology is used, its appropriateness, and its effectiveness.?

Historical Knowledge

BCcampus (2021) recognized that arguments on the role of technology in education exist as far back as 2,500 years. SIU (2016) traced the evolution of educational technology uses across four ages, the pre-mechanical, mechanical, electro-mechanical, and electronic ages. Delgado et al. (2015) research identified the historical roots of educational technology as far back as the 1920s. Purdue University (2020) recognized the evolution of educational technologies began in the Colonial days and has evolved through the invention of the radio in the 1920s, overhead projector in the 1930s, and videotapes in the 1950s. The Skinner teaching machines were introduced in the 1950s. The photocopier arrived in 1959, the handheld calculator was introduced in 1972, and educators used the Scantron to grade tests in 1972. As the field was changing, so to was the terminology used to define the field. Seels & Richey (1994) used the term instructional technology, Schrock (1995) used the term instructional development, and Reiser (2001) used the term instructional design and technology to define the field we know today.

Use and Relevance of Instructional Design (ID) Theories

Seel et al. (2017) recognized the popularity of ID in the higher education space. Universities and colleges have invested resources over the years to improve the instruction, learning, and information technology platforms to deliver high-quality learning. Moller et al. (2008) recognized that the pedagogy of teaching, interacting, delivery, content design, communication, etc. has changed, bringing into question the relevance of yesterday's ID models. IDs must be flexible and adaptable to meet the evolution of the learner and the pace, rate, and delivery methods to be relevant.

Johnson-Barrow & Lehnen (2021) identified that because of ID models' systemic and reflective nature and their positive influence in the translation of theories and principles for learners, their relevance is still significant. IDs make learning consumable and evaluative for learners and educators. IDs widespread use facilitated collaboration between faculty, designers, and institutional leaders. IDs are iterative and provide the institutions a pathway for motivated educators to teach their classes. Reiser (2001) recognized that those who utilize ID technology theory and practices in their work should rest assured that their development and application across many educational spaces and educators are well-positioned to positively influence the future developments of ID models.

How Technology is used and its Appropriateness

Mukminin et al. (2020) stated a direct correlation between progress in the classroom and the progress of technology across education. Educational advancements create space for the evolution of technology to prosper. Technology integration has led to improved learner engagement with the material and technology, making the adaptability of learning styles easier. WGU (2020) captured that because learners are more familiar with technology and will be using technology in their current or future careers; technology must be integrated to better assist in their engagement, locus of control, and problem-solving skills. Educators and students can benefit from access to technology sources in the market today. To personalize learning, educators can tap into the expansiveness of appropriate technologies to access real-time data, information, and instructional content at a click.

AU (2020) highlighted that the integration of technology into higher education has significantly improved student performance, allows for easier access to information, accelerates learning, and makes learning fun, focused, and effective. McMullen (2012) said that the integration of technology applications across the educational space isn't a one-step process, and it starts with the educators whose instructional performance is enhanced by the technology. The right technology in the hands of bright learners prepares them for learning, and their future careers, improve their technical skillsets and makes learning relevant to them. The appropriate technology empowers the learner because technology is relevant to their current digital lives, interests them, and can be successfully integrated into the classroom.

Effectiveness and Evaluations of Learning Outcomes and Program Efficiencies

Educators and institutions must understand the influence of technology on learning outcomes and objectives of the course or programs. Why? Because prior to the course or program getting designed, the designers/creators of the instruction should clearly understand how they will measure the effectiveness, evaluate the course/program, what the objective learning outcomes are, and determine where efficiencies are realized.??Acito (2020) reflected on the significance of the role objective learning plays in communicating goals, what the learners would be able to do after completion of the course, and drives attention, energy, and focus for instructors and learners. Technology should be used to track critical metrics and collect and analyze data needed to meet shareholder expectations while making decisions that positively address learning effectiveness and development.

Technology allows for institutions to measure the impact of the training to determine by demonstrating that learners and educators are more efficient and productive. Mendonca (2019) recognized the importance of technology in measuring the effectiveness of learning and recommended that users of technology consider how it improves feedback and increases learner satisfaction. Users must consider the effects on learner engagement and if the technology improves retention rates for the institution. Verma (2022) says that the primary purpose of training is to develop and grow the member and enhance the individual or group's performance. Hence, its evaluation is critical to determining if the learning goals have been achieved.


???????????The history of technology and its use in the academic space is well-established. The effectiveness and the efficiencies gained through the integration of various forms of technology have both removed and created barriers as they've been created. Technology has led to connecting the learner with the material (engagement), allowing the information to be part of the learner's real-world rather than hypothetical or unrealistic relic concepts of old. Technology brings the learner into the situations (simulations and modeling), making the learning more realistic, relevant, and dynamic. Technology-focused learning approaches no longer are tied to the four walls of the classroom or boardroom at the company; it is far more expansive, allowing the learner to interact globally.?


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