Current Retirement Model & How To Reverse Engineer Retirement

Current Retirement Model & How To Reverse Engineer Retirement

Hey LinkedIn Fam! Today I will teach you a step-by-step guide on how to reverse engineer your retirement and also some background information about the current retirement model. This is the American Retirement Model: The "Three-Legged Stool." It is made up of three legs or three main streams of income.

  • Social Security?- Social Security is a federal program for retirees who can use it as a stream of income during retirement. To qualify for these benefits, you will need to be at least 62 years old and have paid into the program for at least 10 years. The benefit amount is calculated based on your average indexed monthly earnings during your 35 highest earned years. You can also qualify if you can't work due to a disability, for surviving spouses, and also children if you meet certain requirements

People pay into the social security system during their working years as taxation so that later down the line during retirement they can receive these benefits as a stream of income. One of the problems with social security currently is that it is said to become insolvent by 2035. This means that by 2035, there are not enough funds available to meet all program obligations. This does not mean you won't receive benefits. Another problem with social security is how the system itself works. When the program first started, there were approximately 42 workers per retiree. Today, the ratio is 3 workers per retiree. By 2050, it is projected to be 2 workers per retiree. This stems from a population problem that is difficult to solve. The solution to this is unknown. The government would either have to increase taxes or change the number of program obligations to ensure this program is still available.

Here is a link to calculate your estimated SSI.

  • Company Pension?- The company pension is a defined benefit plan. The company or government decides on the certain amount of money you set aside per month and they match that amount to allocate towards your pension fund. The amount you receive during retirement is based on a formula they created based on the years of service credits multiplied by a tier multiplier, which equals the % of the income you receive during retirement.

The traditional pension plan was how many Americans retired in the past. In the 1960s, nearly 50% of private-sector employees had a pension. It has now dropped down to 5%. Pensions are still offered to teachers, state/local government employees, protective services, some healthcare workers, military, transportation, and unions.

  • Personal Savings?- Personal savings are accounts like the 401k, IRAs, 403b, 457, and the TSP. For many, these retirement accounts are the only savings that people are setting aside for retirement.

The big question now becomes is this enough for you to retire??

The traditional model of the Three-Legged Stool is not as reliable as it once was because most middle-income earners do not have a pension and the social security system is not in a stable position. Due to this fact, many people have to begin looking for alternative routes to ensure their retirement.

Alternative Methods

Finding options to gain a passive income stream is the next option people have to strategize to meet a comfortable retirement. Starting a business or investing in real estate are popular methods. Both however require additional time, hard work, and calculated risk to reward. The ability to add cash flow into the equation will be extremely helpful on top of the traditional model.

Reverse Engineer Your Retirement

If the alternative methods are not something you want to pursue, here is a step-by-step guide on how to reverse engineer your retirement with simple calculations.

  • Use the 4% Rule

Whatever income you choose, use the 4% rule to find out what your total nest egg will be.

Example: $80,000/year in today's dollar

$80,000/0.04 = $2,000,000 Nest Egg Needed

  • Account for Inflation

If you want to retire with $80,000/year in today's money, you will need to account for and adjust for inflation. The average inflation rate over the last 100 years is about 3%. This means that the cost of living doubles every 24 years.

Example: I want to retire 24 years from now and maintain my lifestyle of $80,000/year. How much do I need?

$2,000,000 x 2 = $4,000,000 Nest Egg Needed - Adjusted for inflation

Assuming you have a job that gives you a 3% raise every year, you will need to save 3% more per year. If your job doesn't do that; spend less and save more.

  • Account for taxes

If you have your money in tax-deferred accounts (401k,403b, etc) you will need to account for income taxes when you withdraw plus state taxes. Do you think taxes will increase or decrease in the future?

Increase? Contribute more to tax-exempt accounts

Decrease? Contribute more to tax-deferred accounts

  • Account for cash-flow

If you decide to have passive income or cash-flowing assets like real estate add this to the equation and adjust your nest egg total to what you'll be receiving during retirement.

Hope this is educational and helps you better understand your road to retirement. If you need any help calculating this, let me know! I will be happy to help you understand your current situation and different options to become more efficient in reaching your retirement goals.


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