Current Market Rental Trends In Tauranga
By Juli Anne Tolley
Principal Owner Quinovic Tauranga, President Tauranga Property Investors Association.
The Trademe listing count average for October 2019 was 204 compared to an average of 267 last year, a 24% drop. The listing numbers are decreasing further and as this writing, we are at a count of 185 listings.
Pyes Pa continues the lead of the suburbs at 18 listings, not much changed from last month. Otumoetai follows at 15 with Avenues and Welcome Bay both at 10. All other suburbs are 8 and below. On the other side of the bridge, Mount Maunganui listings decreased to 31 -– representing 11% of the total listings. Likewise, Papamoa has also reduced slightly to 27 listings, representing 15% of total listings.
The Western Bay of Plenty count remained flat at 58 listings. Omokoroa still leads the pack with 14 listings and is not showing much movement. Katikati rose to 15 listings. Waihi Beach has reduced to 9. Te Puke has jumped to 7, and Te Puna has levelled with 4 listings.
Last month, we moved Quinovic Corner from our CBD location to 344 Cameron Road (corner of Fourth Avenue and Cameron Road). After 9+ years, it was time for a change and a bit more space for our growing team. Come by and see our new space!