The Current Coup D'état in the U.S.U.S. (Ununited States Under Siege)
Robert Avsec
Retired battalion chief and freelance writer. Author of "Successful Transformational Change in a Fire & EMS Department: How a Focused Team Created a Revenue Recovery Program in Six Months--From Scratch"
Most coup détats in world history have been where revolutionary forces, typically aided by a complicit military, overthrow what they consider the corrupt government of the sitting king, president, or dictator.
The coup détat we have underway in the U.S.U.S. today is the exact opposite. The Republican Administration, aided by a compliant and spineless Republican Party in Congress, is destroying the very government and Constitution that they took an oath to defend "...against all enemies, foreign and domestic.." And they are doing it illegally and from within.
The following message was shared on my Facebook Feed today and I agree with it 100%. Read it and see if you don't agree.
It has been suggested that every American who loves their Constitution call, write, and email their Senators and Congressional member.
I suggest that is not enough and this is the letter that went in the mail today to Chief Justice John Roberts. He needs to get a couple million more.
February 18, 2025
Dear Chief Justice Roberts,
I hope you know that what remains of your legacy as well as the efficacy of your Court are at stake. The Citizens United decision, coupled with the more recent Immunity you granted Donald Trump have put the country on the ropes. Horrible, democracy destroying decisions!
Now, the Republican dominated Congress has completely surrendered to the madness at the helm and will follow in lock step any decree of the Executive Branch. So, do we still have even two remaining branches of government in the United States? One wonders under your leadership if we will have even that.
The Constitution makes it pretty clear to any intelligent reader that the purse strings are in the hands of Congress. They create programs and appropriate the money to operate same. But now we have a president (I cannot bring myself to use capital letters anymore when referring to the presidency) who ignores the laws he is to enforce. It appears likely the Court majority, if past performance is any indication, will be fine with anything Trump does and so my conclusion is that we are about to have but one functioning branch and what a bizarre and frightening branch it is.
Hypothetically, what would happen if you and two other Republican appointees on the Court developed a spine and decided to preserve what is left of rule of law with a decision that stated the obvious - programs Congress created cannot be arbitrarily demolished by the Executive Branch and Elon Musk (or are they one in the same)? Enforcement of your decision would depend on Marshals employed by the former Justice Department.
My question to you is what would you do in the Constitutional Crisis that would result when the Justice Department ignores your ruling? My second question is what would you advise Americans who love their country do to preserve their liberties when the “Justice Department” balks?
Sincerely, John Kaul
I'm working on my letter right how, how about you?
Retired Fire chief at Federal fire service
1 周First Linked website isn’t the format that I joined to see political views that are one sided. So the over 77 million people in the US that voted in the past presidential election for the current president are party to this too? At present time the US citizens are in debt with over 37 trillion dollars with annual interest payment of 1 trillion dollars. Both are rising at alarm rates. There is waste, abuse and fraud ongoing for many years in many government agencies and this needs to end. Just think what one trillion dollars per year could be applied to if we didn’t have pay this interest. Homeless for veterans, increased funding to find the cure for many diseases and the list goes on. So the current president is doing what he promised to help right a sinking ship in the first month of his term. Doesn’t meet the definition of a Coup D’etat by any stretch of the imagination. Let’s give the present administration a chance to fix a broken system that has been plagued by special interests, no transparency, wasteful spending, abuse and outright fraud for many years under both political parties. We need fiscal reform and can’t keep allowing the “kicking this particular can into the future “. It’s time to get handle on it!