Curious about Curiosity
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Three days into The Humanity Map Project, on the heels of two posts on Exploring KNOWledge and yesterday's post on Creativity Explored... we dig a bit into Curiosity...
With it, we seek to learn, genuinely interested. We really want to learn... for learning's sake. We Honor the Beauty that is KNOWledge...
We do the "Rumi thing" and sell cleverness to buy bewilderment. We practice and experience Wonder ...
... and seek Understanding...
... and humbly, boldly, relentlessly and joyfully explore. I suggest that real and longstanding Leadership is fueled by it. We seek to ever learn. We understand that growth is the result of same. There is no end to our learning mindset. We get that. Indeed, our practice of KNOWledge as Virtue... is supported by and grounded in a healthy practice of Curiosity. With learning, there is no end nor destination. It is an ongoing journey. Indeed, TUGtv is an example of such mindset and heartset in my work and Service.
Some Walkaways
For me right now, I am curious about this band Broken Peach (origins, inspirations, etc.) and the work of Ryan Holiday and Stephen Pressfield and Creativity and more. I am exploring new vistas. And, I am open.
Consider this on sparking Curiosity ... or this on an importance of Curiosity ... or this on one thing to ignite its engagement. Where and how and with whom can you practice greater and healthier Curiosity right now? How might it apply as an educator or entrepreneur or emerging leader? How might it apply at school, work, business and community? Reflect upon the Cards above. Come to your own answers. Curiosity is without agenda. It is simply intent on learning and "following the trail". It is open and adventurous. How might this apply in practice for you now and forward?
Let's get curious about Curiosity. Indeed, it is a hopeful Virtue too. Healthy, sincere Curiosity helps us to grow and be a better version of our own selves.
Justice, Peace and Unity...
And here are some other offerings to possibly consider...