Be Curious! It Changes Everything!
Margie Hanson
Start Simplifying ALL Your Business Communications? Create Authentic Messaging ? Establish Trust & Credibility ? Connect With Buyers & Employees ? Follow Goal Achieving Strategies ? Home Of T.H.E. & JOYFUL SELLING!
Be Curious! There is no better message for making all your marketing activity be joyful than the message “Be Curious!” It is a magic ticket to opening new doors, new contacts, new opportunities and new business!!!
Toddlers are wonderful at being curious. Is there anything more pure? When we are young, we are in such awe of the simplest things… taking in each new experience, item, taste, sound 200% …with such a wholeness as we connect to?each new experience. Then something happens ... I don’t know when, but at some point we decide we know the answers … no more exploring… no more curiosity.?And it gets worse when we decide we know the answers & outcomes to FUTURE events and happenings.??And then we wonder why we might feel old?????How dare we!
Pull out your curiosity as you travel through 2025. Wipe your mind clean of all pre-conceived notions and take on each day with “curiosity!” Take a walk and look around as if you were a toddler….. see what you discover of interest.?Why is that tree different? How was that door designed? What is the most popular car in your neighborhood??Just start asking questions of all you see!?Bet you discover some items you’ve never noticed before.
Another way to exercise curiosity is to realize that “everything” is a miracle.?Take that thought and look around.?The pencil on your desk at one point in time was a miracle!?Who thought of this idea??The streetlights were at one time a miracle!?Who designed the first streetlight and what is the story behind it???So many things around us that we just take for granted and yet, I bet, have fascinating stories to discover and know.
Be curious with each other!! Show interest. Ask questions.?Inquire about one’s day or week!?Is there anyone who doesn’t feel a bit better when someone they know shows an interest in what they’ve got going on???Cares about how they are doing???It just takes some curiosity and a question or two to make someone’s day and therefore, your day will be made as well!
And how many times have I heard business professionals say they don’t know what to say at networking events and/or online with messaging, etc.??Just be curious!??Go up to someone and simply ask how did you happen to come to this event??Be curious!!??Online & offline, be curious about your prospects. Ask questions! Be interested!?Explore!?It's not about you ... it's all about them. Be curious!!
Curiosity can also help you out when ?there is an uncomfortable emotional situation that needs to be managed but you don’t know how??Ask caring questions such as can I help you sort this out??Or can we talk about what brought you to this point???Be curious but again, also caring .... with sensitivity to your timing.
Lastly, but hardly the least significant use of curiosity ... in business, there is no need to sell your prospects. Simply be curious and ask them questions!?Find the needs they have that match your solutions and discover how you and your prospect are a win/win!!!?Also be interested in the industry you share with them … the industry that seeds the needs for which you have solutions.?Inquire about how they arrived in this industry, what their role involves.?Share your own interest and participation in this industry and how it might relate to them. Be curious!!! Uncover all the nuances that will lead your clients to you because ... as you show interest, they in turn will be interested in you!
Curiosity will open doors! Curiosity will create new relationships! Curiosity will develop new business!??Curiosity will build trust, credibility, and loyalty.
Again, take on 2025 with curiosity!!!
Here's to your communications success!
I am a communications consultant and developer of T H E, my 7 step "signature" formula for creating & delivering targeted communications that achieve your goals. I inspire you to take charge of your communications with 1) communication strategies 2) messaging that connects to your buyers 3) use of the right mediums for your needs, and 4) an igniting of your success. Connect with me here on LinkedIn. Visit my website Ask for a complimentary conversation!
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