The Curious Case of Network Effects
The phenomenon of network effect occurs when the value of a product depends upon the number of users of the same product and the value of the product increases exponentially with an increase in the number of fellow users of the product. Network effects can induce imperfections in the market leading to increase in value of the product, and higher value capture for the entrepreneur. Thus, it is crucial to closely understand network effects.
Network effects occur on same-side (between same type of users), and/or cross-side (between different type of users), also vary in terms of -
We will discuss the phenomenon briefly using two case studies. Firstly, let us discuss a social networking platform - Facebook . Facebook has two kinds of users – the first kind is information users that create an account/page on the platform and want to interact and exchange information with others. These may be individuals or brands, institutions, communities etc.The second kind of users are developers or similar agencies that develop complementary products onto the platform like games and derive value by ability to attract the first kind of users. Such users are also known as complementers. The more number of information users/friends is beneficial for friends as they have more people to interact with, and more number of information users is beneficial for developers as they have more potential app users. Thus, the effect of increase in information users is symmetric on both sides. Moreover, magnitude and type of utility derived through increase in the number of information users varies across information users and developers. More information users means higher dollar potential or financial capital for developers, and more information users means higher social capital for the information users. On the other hand, the more number of developers is beneficial for information users as they have more options of apps to use, but more number of developers will increase competition among developers. Thus, the effect of increase in developers is asymmetric for both sides. Compatibility among users on the same side becomes important in the first case to increase network value as people join Facebook to connect with other friends/users. On the other hand, match-making between the developers and Facebook users occurs upon use of games by Facebook users and the cross-side network comes into picture.
Now, let’s take an example from the mobility space, Uber . Uber has two kinds of users – the rider of the vehicles and the driver of the vehicles. The more number of riders is beneficial for drivers as they have more market to drive, but more number of riders is costly for an individual rider as it will bring unnecessary surge pricing. The more number of drivers is beneficial for riders as they have more options to drive by, but more number of drivers will increase competition among drivers and lesser pricing for the riders. Thus, the network effect of number of riders and drivers is asymmetric for the two types of users in both cases. Like the case of #Facebook, network effect intensity, direction, type of utility derived for each user type will vary for both within and across user types for both cross-side and same-side network effects. Clearly, network effects vary across industry types – social networking platforms and the mobility sector in our case.
From the perspective of a complementer, more number of complementers – developers in case of Facebook, and drivers in case of #Uber induces competition and reduces network value for them. But there is a subtle variation in this understanding that is revealed through personal interaction with Uber drivers that more drivers surely increases competition but higher number of fellow drivers helps in aspects of governance as it helps them unionize for their rights and liaise with the parent company. In the case of social networking platforms, developers may collaborate for knowledge sharing or joint development of products. Such collaborations on complementer side or governance aspect may increase network attractiveness for the complementers.
Thus, it is complicated to comprehend such network nuances as these are highly heterogeneous – it varies across sectors, and both within and across the user type, it varies in direction, intensity, and type of utility derived. An entrepreneur can steer the network effect in a particular direction, and intensity by playing around with the target industry/market membership, or understanding and controlling user preferences, and channeling the broader firm priority by deciding the priority users that are more valuable for the firm.
Although network effects are explored enough for the aspect of product adoption and diffusion, there lacks an understanding of network behavior. We propose a 4-layer analysis for building a network driven firm strategy.
First layer -> Identify choice of network effects by studying three network drivers – 1) industry nature, 2) user preference, and 3) the firm priority.
Second layer -> Understand each type of user in terms of three network effect characteristics- 1) intensity, 2) direction, and 3) type of utility derived
Third layer ?-> Conduct an in-depth 1) within and 2) across multiple user type analysis of network effects
Fourth layer -> Steer network effects and capture higher value by tuning four network practices 1) same-side compatibility, 2) the cross-side matchmaking, 3) complementer collaboration, and 4) governance benefits.?
“Network effects create a self-reinforcing cycle of value, where each new user makes the product more valuable for everyone.” — Gary Fox, business strategist and author
Strategy(Joint MD Office) @ Bharti Enterprises| IIM-Calcutta| IIT-Delhi| (FMVA)?
2 年Interesting initiative! Best of luck