Curiosity - How to develop it?
Prasaad Narkhede
Driving Innovation in Packaging | Empowering Brands | Building Nexibles | 10xer
Curiosity - a desire to know or learn ( ????????, ??????, ????????? )
Steve Jobs quoted " Much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. "
What is curiosity? Can we make it a habit? Can it be learnt? Can we develop it?
You will only know the answers if you are curious enough. But it starts with wanting to know more.
Curiosity is all about noticing things which interest us and find the deeper meaning of anything you can associate with.
Being curious is being alive and mindful. Curiosity helps us to grow and expand our knowledge and empower with endless opportunities.
All the inventions, innovations, products are by curiosity. Curiosity to make life simple, innovate to save time, products to give us a richer experience.
Curiosity is the base for everything you want to achieve.
How to develop Curiosity?
1) Stop Saying I am bored, this is boring. I will do it later. There are opportunities we ignore by having such an attitude. If it seems to be boring for you, then you are not looking closely enough. Do anything for your mind to grow. Read an article, listen to a podcast, see what others are doing, start a conversation with a stranger, learn new things, make plans, there are many things you can do instead of just getting bored :)
2) Be optimistic, be positive or try to make use of any situation. Its all mind game, if you train your mind to be fun always, it will be, but if you keep on saying this is just boring, it will always be boring. If you are stuck in local, and it's taking a longer time than usual, open a pdf, carry a book or talk to a friend. Don't just sit idle. Being idle is the only way for not to grow. Rest whatever you do will eventually take you there. Develop a positive mindset, and it will lead to many fresh ideas.
3) Question Everything. No matter how silly it is, it would be best if you dared to ask questions. It can be to anyone. It can be to your self also. Only if you ask a question, you will find the answers. Life is full of mysteries. Asking questions keeps your mind healthy.
4) Do Something new. If you have a habit of listing to jazz at your workplace or while in commute, try listening to house, or any genre. You never know what you will like, you have to give a fair chance. Do something new every day. Break the routine and do something new. you may find something interesting which will make you more curious.
Feel free to add more points to the list. How do you keep curious?