Curiosity is THE in demand skill...
NASA/ Curiosity Mars Rover

Curiosity is THE in demand skill...

Deloitte researchers surveyed over 900 executives?and 92% of them reported that soft skills,?such as curiosity, communication and creativity?were equally or even more important than technical skills,?and that same study predicted that soft skill?intensive occupations will make up almost two thirds?of the workforce by 2030.?

Specifically, companies have increasingly endorsed curiosity?as a core organizational skill.?So developing curiosity in yourself and in your teams?is a great way to set yourself up for success.?So what is curiosity exactly??Curiosity is an intrinsically motivated exploration?with an information seeking goal.?Basically, it's the driving force of learning?and the discovery of the new.?Openness to unfamiliar, a drive for experimentation?and the pursuit of new information are central to curiosity?and creative problem solving.?

Here's how you can improve your own curiosity?and the curiosity in those you lead.?First, have a humble open mind.?This is the time to leave the ego at the door?and realize you don't know everything.?Be okay with being a learn it all?instead of a know it all.?As a leader, you might think people need to see you?as having all the answers, but they really need to see you?as being curious and discovering the possibilities?of multiple solutions.?Ego is the enemy of your creativity and curiosity.?

Next, collect stories.?Have you ever thought about the many interesting stories?and worldviews or skills that each of your friends?and family members possess??Try asking someone about their most treasured memory,?their biggest passion, their favorite hobby,?or even about their thoughts on the meaning of life.?Another way to do this?is through reading diverse kinds of books or articles?and engaging with an intercultural artistic presentation.?Gather many perspectives.?Stories will introduce you to the possibilities?and excitement of other journeys,?which may spark your interest to explore them further.?Another boon to curiosity is to ask better questions.?If creativity is driven by curiosity?then curiosity is driven by questioning.?

Your ability to go beyond the normal surface questions?and dig deeper will enhance your curiosity?and your creative thinking.?Questions that utilize the five W's and the one H?are a curious person's best friend.?What, who, where, when, why and how.?Go on curiosity walks and inquire about a product?or service, or procedure?that you normally would not investigate otherwise.?

Be curious about why things are the way they are.?What was the origin of some of the things?you take for granted??Finally, and this may sound strange?but embrace thine enemy.?Trying to understand an issue from both sides?is an integral part of curiosity?and the key to becoming a critical thinker.?

So I've got a challenge for you.?Think of a strong belief you have?like your basketball team is the best?and flip it on its head.?Now come up with strong arguments for the opposing side,?like the rival team is the best.?This practice will not only help you see the world?with more empathy,?it will also help you make a better case?for your own beliefs?because now you understand various arguments?and counter arguments that much better.?

Supporting these elements of curiosity within yourself?is the first step.?As a leader who is building a creative culture?you must be able to cultivate a culture of curiosity.?Allow your team members on all levels to submit questions?in an effective and psychologically safe manner.?Celebrate pursuits of outside knowledge?and experiences and lead by example?and allow your team members to view your curiosity?as permission to develop their own.


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