Sophie Khoo
ICF-ACC Coach | Entrepreneur | Ontological Life & Executive Coaching | Training & Development | Cross-Cultural Awareness
Are you your own biggest critic? Do you find yourself way kinder to others than to yourself?
Been told to just “treat yourself like how you would your best friend” and no matter how much you try to, you just can’t seem to find that best friend in yourself? Or worse, the moment you notice your thoughts, you form judgemental thoughts about these thoughts, resulting in even more self-judgement.
What purpose(s) do these self-judgements serve?
Motivation and encouragement are answers that come up frequently, for fear that if we do not berate ourselves that harshly, we will not get what we set out to achieve, will not become who we desire to be, or worse, we will become who we definitely do not want to be (e.g., lazy, rude, etc.). How’s that working out for you? How often does the voice of your inner critic motivate and encourage you, especially during times of uncertainties?
The good news is, there is an antidote to this (self) judgement – Curiosity. Curiosity does not assume it knows the answer. Curiosity does not evaluate if something is good or bad. Curiosity does not try to prove its point since there’s no point to prove; just sheer inquisitiveness. Curiosity inspires the emotion or sense of wonder.
Could this impact your joy, authenticity, and the life you so desire to live?