Cure For Fear
Happy Bains
Founder | Lifestyle Podcaster & Documentarian | Yacht & Lifestyle Expert | Author ??
A heartfelt article by the human mind, by Happy Bains (Not by ChatGPT), Sharing my defeat, fearful and successful experiences, combined with research and study of the world's most successful men and women.
Congratulations! For what? Congratulations on taking the first step by clicking this profound and practical PERSONAL and CAREER fear-solving article. You are halfway ahead for more success.??
If you are a Fearless person, double congratulations because this article might be good for your mental chewing diet!
It is common sense for many professional folks that a Career has many meanings, but we mainly count it as whatever type of job we are seeking, doing, or business path we are pursuing that is our career.?
The foundation mistake or wise decision we make to choose our career path is our own choice/decision, or our parents, friends, or education department suggested us.?
Once we take our job or do business, we are bombarded with daily tasks to accomplish on a strict deadline, and the bitter truth is that very few professional people achieve those deadlines. The rest face fearful moments, almost paralyzing their thinking ability and leading to defeat, failure and personal suffering.?
So how to recognize and how can you overcome these fears and uncertainties and start a brand new successful habit of confidence?
One of the three initial steps:?1. Write down what you fear, how, and when you fear most. Also, could you write down the feelings and emotions when you feel?
2. Write down what you can do, or others can help you overcome your fear, or you need a career/business coach or expert.
3. Write down and resolve your unfinished task and business and identify your deeper fears.?
Below are the types of personal problems/fears and the practical strategies to solve your fearful problems to achieve massive success in personal and professional areas.?
First, understand intellectually, emotionally and spiritually that FEAR has no physical body to harm you (FEAR is the state of mind, and when you fear the future unpleasant and negative thoughts/moments can damage or stress you feel in the present moment and become helpless)?
How to Overcome Fear: An essential part of opening your genius mind to hope and faith is ridding your mind of fears which limit your belief and creates doubts and stress. Below are the primary eight fears. Almost everyone suffers from at least one before or during their job, business and career path; some must conquer them all. Here are the eight fears and how you can recognize their presence in your life and banish them passionately.?
Your Fears or Problem and Practical Strategy to Conquer Fear
Fear: 1. Indecision
Strategy:?Indecision is the root cause of personal and professional suffering, and most people drift in their life until old age aimlessly.
After THINKING calmly, write down what you want most in life and decide to become a committed person.?
Imagine If you have unstoppable power, health, money, fame, peace of mind and happiness; what will you do more of and less of every day?
Ask yourself what is stopping you right now.? If not you, then who is stopping you? If nothing is stopping you, then what are you waiting for?
In what personal, professional or career path do I not consistently keep agreement?
What specifically do I need to change and improve to enjoy the happiness, success and lifestyle of integrity fully?
What specific achievements and benefits will I receive by concretely making these adjustments now?
What will happen or cost me if I do not make significant changes? To avoid long-term failure.
Fear: 2. Unhealthy and Laziness
Strategy:?Meditate before and after bedtime, do Yoga/Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week, and learn more about good health habits; subscribe to a health magazine (a reputed health magazine cost will around just two fancy coffee/tea, invest it and see the magical information will transform your lifestyle) listen to any health and career podcast or my podcast, Happy Conversation?
Fear: 3 Can't find a job, Losing your job or doing a low-paid job, or needing to make more money in your business?
Strategy:?HappyLogic Rule #1. Never take the first job that comes to you, which was not your conscious choice of career path, just because someone suggested you. (Carefully THINK before saying yes and getting stuck there and killing your true career path which you were dreaming of having, trust me, you will repent it sooner or later)
So instead, take an intelligent break or use your spare two/three extra hours each day to read, listen or learn new skills or improve or advance your current skills and knowledge about your existing job/career or business, learn advanced techniques and methods, network and expand your like-minded circle from city to other countries, buy, rent or borrow and read books in the line of your field, do research and study online how to advance your current work/business to become a more valuable and demandable person in the market place so that you are not fired from your job or company.
Ruthlessly become so helpful and resourceful that you can NOT be fired. And if you are, your creative skills will open up new opportunities. Stay focused on developing your strengths and focus on your excellence; develop excellent communication skills, people skills and networking connections.?
Or take my online certification course to become a champion within a month. Click here for a discounted link.?
Fear: 4. Uncertainty, Confusion and Procrastination
Strategy:?Most future jobs (Your definite Career path) have yet to be invented if you haven't found one yet. Focus on developing your most extraordinary talents. Design exciting daily goals and be clear, be clear and be clear (do NOT assume) about your ACTION PLAN and ACT ACT ACT! Whatever resources you have, use it right now (Don't wait long for a perfect time, it won't come... don't look what the time is now, but see with your third eye what TIME is telling you) and keep marching on your own drums by creating rather than competing.
Fear: 5. Feeling Loneliness?
Strategy:?If you often feel lonely or bored, it is because absents of great ideas. Consider it a blessing because Universe/God is giving you extra TIME to change and improve yourself and your skills to become more valuable in the personal and marketplace.?(Eagles fly mostly alone higher up in the sky and only come down with the laser-focused aim to target their needs.)
You are never alone; you have your genius mind and caring heart with you if you will feel passionate about creating your legendary lifestyle.
Fear: 6. Rejection and Failure
Strategy:?Always remember not to take it personally. Everyone experiences some form of defeat, rejection and or failure every day. Become an oyster or tortoise skin. Also, think that the emotional and spiritual side of you proves there is a bright light and the best plan for you.
The universe/God gave you inbuilt skills and talent. ASK and SEEK it out (don't assume). Always learn to surround yourself with WINNERS! Because errors and silly mistakes are typical for massive long-term success. Know your worth - Miraculously, become an expert in what you can or do best because that is how winning is done! Become FEARLESS!!
Fear: 7. Are you an Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert? Fear of Public Speaking? Poor communication skills?
Strategy:?In my opinion/experience, there is no such thing as introvert, extrovert or ambivert that can stop you from becoming the person you want to become to be successful. Say to yourself I can, and I must do it, converse with people when it needs with confidence and fearlessly, learn, read and speak confidently to have polite and effective communication with beloved ones and at work and public places.?
Learn and train your words and voice to be pleasant and tactful by always speaking in a carefully disciplined and friendly tone. And always remember that the person to whom you are speaking at any given time is the most important person on mother earth. You may have his/her goodwill by asking him/her question of his/her interest and giving him/her a chance to talk.
We can always learn more faster by asking intelligent questions and try to keep our mouths shut, especially during our learning curve. We do not learn effectively while talking too much (Unless you are public speaker by profession)
Fear: 8. Fear of Poverty, Success and Death.
Strategy:??If you witness Poverty, passionately learn about MONEY and how it works. Find an excellent financial and lifestyle expert or coach and happily invest in yourself. THINK, PLAN and SET specific goals with time to save and invest a portion of your earning wisely. This is the most destructive of all fears (Fear of Poverty) and the hardest to master because it brings so much suffering and misery in life. Fear of Poverty comes from our bitter experiences dealing with others who have proved untrustworthy and willing to exploit us for their own benefit.
You were born successful. Remember that and embrace the fact more tangible success comes from study, practice, teaching, dedication, commitment, challenging and intelligent work, excellent planning each day and taking ACTION every day with integrity. It takes over 10 to 20 years to build a solid reputation and a minute to lose it.?
The feeling of Death and dying; (Never ever think of or suggest anyone of suicide; (suicide is cowardness) Every soul is a life-saving warrior and saint and servant. Living is a gift of serving others happily and enjoying a beautiful life. (There are almost 8 Billion people in the world, and how can we not find people to serve them??)
The most precious gift of our life is LIFE ITSELF. Live it to the fullest each second of life as it must be lived gracefully and happily, even in the darkest hours of our lives.) Death will happen one day, but why die while living? Life is a beautiful holiday and journey on Mother Earth, so enjoy the most by yourself and others with kindness.
Have faith in yourself, others and the Universe/God that everything will be all right in your favour, and there might be a delay but no darkness in the Universe's court. Explore and practice more spiritual paths and truths for a peaceful lifestyle.?
" The Miracle Power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application and perseverance, under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit." - Mark Twain.
Summary of this valuable article.
Replacing fears with hope and faith.?
Now that you have learned some most valuable strategies to overcome fears, understand the fundamental techniques in dealing with fears and fear of failure of Death is learning to set it aside. This should be your primary goal with each fear, for whatever you fear will follow you around like a puppy.?
Learn to forgive others and yourself kindly and forget painful past and unpleasant moments. You have an incredible capacity and ability to overcome life's most significant challenges, problems and fear. Passionately embrace your learning and growing curve, embrace this reality, and use it the next time a crisis or fear occurs.?
Believe in yourself, and take action every day with dignity and integrity!?
I wish you sound health, peace of mind, and grand success in your personal and professional life.?
Listen to this article on my podcast or watch it on youtube
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Thank you for your precious time reading/listening to my article. Can you please comment below on your takeaway from this profound article? If you think this article is valuable, can I ask you a favour to share with your client or beloved ones or with those you think can benefit from it??
Treat each person as the most preeminent person on mother earth, and protect Earth and Animals -?Happy Bains.