Zakaria Kouloughli
Working toward making illness history! Creating smart health and wellness products. Partner with influencers & affiliates for speed
Every day, I receive countless messages asking for "quick" solutions to many diseases. The messages usually read:?"What is the remedy for Endometriosis? what is the cure for Breast cancer? ......Fibromyalgia? ......Ulcer? ......Rheumatism? ......Type 1 Diabetes? .....Multiple Sclerosis?"?on and on! In many cases not to say all, I can help, but it is never a quick fix.
I appreciate the confidence my readers put in my work but my message to them: Just as the disease is not an overnight occurrence, so is recovery. People are under the impression that they were healthy and all of a sudden disease stroke, like lightning; and thanks to big pharma, which solved / masked headaches with a pill; people expect the same level of simplicity and speedy recovery for major illnesses.
Let me give a little overview of how the body works, and how disease manifests. We are made up of water and minerals. 60% of the human adult body is water. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. Our mineral composition is as follows: 60% calcium, 24% phosphate, 12% potassium, and 4% everything else. From a minerals point of view, the brain is mainly calcium and potassium, the liver is mainly calcium, iron, and iodine, the heart is mainly calcium, arsenic, potassium, and phosphate, and genital organs are mainly calcium and manganese.
Now that we have established the human water and mineral composition, let us examine what a decrease in water amount for example can potentially cause. Nothing? something minor? something major? Let's find out.
A lack of water means there is not enough fluid to rid the body of excess and unwanted wastes. Over time, this causes toxicity in the liver, which begins to malfunction. Boom! The liver takes a hit. The kidneys become stressed. Boom! The kidneys too, take a hit. Many wastes are in the form of salts; this means the level of salts in the body has increased excessively over time. A salt increase means electrolytes overload, which means too much current in the body. Too much current frays the nerves. Boom! The nerves ends are down. Excessive salt also causes the blood to become thick, toxic, saturated with fewer oxygen transports capabilities. Boom! the blood takes a hit and so does the oxygen supply. Moreover, excess salts cause the loss of copper, which maintains elasticity in the arteries. Boom! now the arteries are tempered with; then the heart has to work harder to pump the heavy blood in and out. Boom! the heart has a surcharge and becomes fatigued over time.
One of the main purposes of the biological system is to continually produce energy. Now suppose a person with a healthy diet starts out producing 10% energy out of 100% of the food they eat. However, as soon as the body experiences a water deficiency, the system becomes unable to function with the same level of efficiency due to the lack of a major ingredient and consequently will produce less energy, say 5% of the energy out of the same 100% food they eat. Boom! The person all of the sudden has less energy and begins to experience fatigue as well as other health issues. What are these other health issues? We noted earlier that our organs are an amalgam of water and minerals, and a lack of water causes a liver malfunction, and a liver malfunction causes an issue with the production of amino acids in the body, which leads to a system unbalance. At a micro-scale, the supply of minerals to the different organs is inadequate. The continuous progression of such deficiencies causes inevitably the deterioration of various organs, thus the organ with the most mineral deficiencies will fail first.
Dr. Zakaria Kouloughli, ND is among the very few in America who specialized in Bio-Electric testing and therapy. His natural therapeutics program helped many of the chronically and the terminally ill restore their health.? To ask questions, email:[email protected]
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