Prof Guy Van Elsacker DrSc - Biomed Expert
External Consultant at ECDC - European Union
It is not because CURCUMIN is in my opinion one of the most important natural substances in the nutritional approaches of certain health condition that it can't cause some side effects. I am still a great supporter of curcumin in the first place as a potential pain reducer but it can in too high quantities cause stomach take it together or just before a meal/
Curcumin can by certain people also cause rashes and hives. This is most of all not dangerous but.. very anoying and you should better interupt the itake for a week or start to lower the doses by taking it intermittent (every 2 days) Since curcumin enhances bile production you have to watch this as well.
At the other hand it will lower total cholesterol and promote the ratio between the HDL and LDL fraction by breakdown of your bad Ldl cholesterol. Nevertheless - as allways - DO NOT exagerate. Try to be patient and take your time. The big difference between most pharmaceutical and natural approaches is that pharmaceuticals work faster - by taking the symptoms awy - and that natural approaches taking a longer time to become effective since they work more causal.
Again about using curcumin straight in your dishes or eventually in suplements there are a lot of stories from people
From what I should call the pre-curcumin era, They could barely climb the stairs in there house and were frequently tired for no apparent reason. They had fever-like aches in their legs, especially at night, recurrent night sweats and constant night-time PN (peripheral neuropathy). All of those symptoms did almost or entirely disappeared. Another positive and unexpected side effect is that their (high!) cholesterol decreased by more than 50 mg/dL between . In the same period triglycerides went from 99 to 73 mg/dL.
Another thing that I personally find is very important is that a lot of them reported that in in the pre-curcumin era they had regularly chronic infections (yeast infections) and..they didn't had one after using more curcumin. A very iteresting information since I believe that due to the actually bad situation in the food INDUSTRY more and more onset of the so called civisation diseasses are started by bacterial and yeast in our digestive tract.
Curcumin can also have a beneficial effect on asthma despite this is not fully confirmed yet. Two people who hadave asthma for years, and had never left their house without their inhaler. in order to take a couple of puffs on this cortisone inhaler, have now almost forgotten how their inhaler looks like, They take only one puff of cortisone (only as a precaution) before going to bed. This has been a huge change, clearly for the better.
My advice for those who are dealing with cancer and currently undergoing chemotherapy. Despite curcumin is a positve substance in food - after or before cancer treatment - avoid to take curcumin during your treatment period. You should inform consult with your haematologist/oncologist before taking curcumin. I know that curcumin may lessen the anti-cancer efficacy of some chemo drugs, such as doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. In other cases, however, it may enhance this effect, as with dexamethasone (upto a blood study from April 2004). In any event, it’s best to be on the safe side. Check with your oncologist. When I began taking curcumin, It is always better to take consult from your doctor before you start doing things on your own. Even when your doctor doesn't know about certain compounds he or she will be the right erson to give you advise about possible interaction with some medication and/or your personal health condition. For istance people who have obstructed bile ducts or gallstones should NOT take curcumin, although curcumin prevents the formation of gallstones (it increases the production of bile and stimulates the gallbladder) it is not recommended to have this done when you have gallstones..
I have an other warning about people taking blood-thinning drugs such as coumadin. Curcumin is a blood thinner and should probably be avoided in that case. Ihave reports that curcumin can increase the platelet count, and I can report that So…who knows. But again, best to be cautious.
If you have a stomach ulcer, you probably shouldn’t be taking curcumin. Ask your doctor, or write to me If you experience stomach rumblings after you take curcumin, eat a piece of bread (or two), or take it a half hour before you eat, or even with meals.
Conclusion - Eat more meals with curcumin. I am convinced it will do you good but..keep also my advises in mind. Don't follow blindly the informations you find in Internet. Dr. GOOGLE doesn't have a medical license, and some nice, but commercially webites telling you a lot of nonsense. In other words be smart enough to take the right decissions because it is your body or that from your family members.
From my side I will try to bring medical doctors a little bit more from their field of ILLCARE to the new form of HEALTHCARE
Prof. Guy Van Elsacker Dr.Sc. - Biomed Expert Research Epigenetics related to Nutriceuticals - *Quality Life Exttension - Dr.Health