Curbing Anti-Citizenship Behaviours: Justice Before Progress!
This observed rise in anti-citizenship behaviours in our country of PNG can be attributed to this prevalent underlying perceptions of injustice. Politicians and 'big men' are not being punished enough for their crimes of corruption!
Government is for the people and by the people; and not for the individual and by the individual. Communal rights should take preference over individual rights. When we live for more (i.e. for the good of the community), we can live on less (i.e. sacrificing some individual rights).
Development of a people into a desired contemporary society is progressive and not instantaneous. In our haste to impress as a modern society, we have skipped the disciplined approaches of punishment and deterrent, that has kept our societies functioning for the benefit of all for thousands of years, by now giving prominence to the rights of the 'individual'. How can an individual exercise his/her rights in an undisciplined society where injustice (and violence) is rife?
An authoritarian police state should herd our people as well as leaders into the right direction for the utilitarian good of the society and the individuals in the society.