SELLERS, when folks drive by your home and see that For Sale sign by the road, they make a very quick decision about whether or not they want to learn more about your house. Their first impression matters and therefore your curb appeal matters.
Here’s a quick suggestion list of things you can do to spruce up the front and make your home more appealing. Best of all, you can do most of these for $100 or less!
- Paint the front door
- Install a new, eye-catching door knob
- Accent your porch with curtains
- Add a fun, friendly door mat
- A front door mailbox adds function, appeal and charm
- Replace outdated or damaged mailboxes by the road
- Add a front door wreath
- Purchase or replace house numbers
- Replace, update or build new wood shutters
- Plant a tree in the front yard
- Purchase and install a unique door knocker
- Install a porch swing with pillows
- Add outdoor furniture, cushions, pillows and accessories
- Install flower boxes. Add pops of color with beautiful, vibrant flowers
- Add greenery and potted plants
- Replace exterior lighting fixtures
- Add nighttime landscape lighting