The Curators Collection
Peter Worrall - CEO of exhibbit
Our latest additions to the virtual art gallery - Moving Image + Audio Desk, enrich the exhibition experience by providing new avenues for engagement.
What’s Possible?
Video as an artwork in its own right - Projected directly onto the gallery walls at any size, a moving image artwork makes compelling viewing for visitors. Videos can also be displayed on a canvas, with a choice of two depths and the option to add frames and mattes.
Video as a graphic to support the exhibition - As a curators talk, studio visit or documentary, a video positioned next to your text abstract informs visitors as well as being inclusive for people with limited sight.
Video of Sculptures - A 360 rotate around a piece will help to convey the feel of the sculpture being present in the room with you. As videos can be set to any size it may be possible to match the actual size of the work.
Audio in the Gallery - This can be added as an ambient sound or music track that plays on entry and can be looped. As an example, you can view Artágora Galería's exhibition - Veranearte.
(Audio content can be streamed from Soundcloud, Youtube and Vimeo. It must be either royalty free, licensed, or you have ownership and or play rights.)
Audio attached to individual Artworks Attaching an audio track to an artwork gives you the ability to add an artist or curators dialogue regarding the work, a sound effect or musical piece to accompany the artwork. Audio can be triggered in three different ways:
Using proximity, audio can be heard within a set distance (radius) from an artwork. When a visitor enters the proximity radius of an artwork, they will trigger the attached audio sequence to play. The audio will fade to silence as they leave the radius. This set up could be used to create a narrated tour with audio sequences attached to individual works.
The Curators Collection is available free while in Beta
The new features in this collection enable the creation of multi-sensory exhibitions which are emotionally involving and lead to a greater understanding and therefore engagement with your exhibition content.
You can start using these new features now by logging in and clicking the LEARN ABOUT BETA button at the top of your page and next to where you upload and add content.
Happy curating!