Curated L&D Content for the Week of 8/19/19
David Kelly
L&D Executive, Speaker, & Writer Supporting the Strategic Intersection of Learning & Technology | Chairman @ The Learning Guild
This week’s curated content includes links exploring the following:
- A post with lots of examples to inspire your elearning designs
- Why you shouldn’t “gray out” inactive buttons, and what to do instead.
- An example of augmented reality being added to an everyday application
- A host of examples to help you with your next branching scenario
- A list of things to make sure you include in your professional development plan
- A look at the damage belief in generational differences can have on an organization
Check Out These Cool E-Learning Examples by Tom Kuhlmann
One of the best ways to inspire your designs is to check out the examples shared by other designers. This post features a number of great examples to inspire your own designs.
Want to see a host of examples of Articulate360 projects? Check out the eLearning Guild’s Articulate User Conference, taking place this fall.
Why You Shouldn’t Gray Out Disabled Buttons by UX Movement
Buttons are a commonly used device in elearning programs. It’s not uncommon for designers to “gray out” a button to show that it is not currently active. This post examines why this doesn’t work as well as intended, and provides a better option for your inactive buttons.
Google Maps makes AR walking directions available to way more people by Kieth Wagstaff
As more applications add augmented reality features, the more AR will be normalized within our culture. This post examines a major addition to the growing number of AR-enabled apps: Google Maps. Exploring these apps is a great way to familiarize yourself with augmented reality and the changes the technology will bring to how we increasingly use digital information to interact with the real world.
Scenario examples for training by Cathy Moore
Scenarios are a common tool in elearning development, so common that they can easily become formulaic and repetitive. Looking at different scenarios can help keep your own designs fresh. This post explores a number of great scenario examples to inspire your work.
10 Golden Leadership Rules For eLearning Professionals via Edapp
Professional development is a critical, and too often forgotten, part of being an elearning professional. We focus so much on creating experiences that develop others that it can be easy to forget about ourselves. In today’s fast-moving technological times, if you’re not upskilling and developing yourself to move forward, you can easily fall behind. This post explores ten important things to make sure you include in your personal professional development plan.
Generational Differences At Work Are Small. Thinking They’re Big Affects Our Behavior by Eden King, Lisa Finkelstein, Courtney Thomas, & Abby Corrington
The idea that we need to cater to the uniqueness of people from different generations isn’t new. Belief in these myths have been around for, well, generations, and they’ll probably be here for generations to come. There are plenty of articles around that share research around why this belief is false. This post does that as well, but it also has something I haven’t often seen – a description of the damage that can be done to an organization from the actions we take based on these beliefs.
The eLearning Guild’s Articulate User Conference is Back!
Last year hundreds of Articulate 360 and Storyline users gathered in Las Vegas for the eLearning Guild’s first Articulate User Conference. This fall the event returns to Las Vegas as a co-located event with DevLearn 2019.
This year’s conference has been expanded to include even more breakout sessions led by experts from the E-Learning Heroes community and the Articulate Community Team. The event will feature four unique tracks, providing a wide variety of content perfect for both newbies and seasoned pros.
- Articulate 360 Foundations: Sessions focused on getting more out of the core functionality of Rise 360, Storyline 360, and other Articulate 360 apps.
- Improving Course Design: Improve the quality and engagement of your eLearning courses with the techniques shared in these sessions.
- Development Strategies & Tips: Expand your skills with sessions focused on advanced development tips and techniques.
- Building Beyond the Course: Learning is increasingly expanding beyond the course. Explore how Storyline 360 and other Articulate 360 apps can be used to create valuable non-course-based eLearning resources and tools.
More sessions and surprises, including another sneak-peek at new and upcoming enhancements to Articulate apps, will make this year’s eLearning Guild Articulate User Conference an event you won’t want to miss!