Curated L&D Content for the Week of 3/18/19
David Kelly
L&D Executive, Speaker, & Writer Supporting the Strategic Intersection of Learning & Technology | Chairman @ The Learning Guild
This week’s curated content includes links exploring the following:
- How design reviews enhance your learning programs
- tips on how to approach training for managers
- examples of the transformative power of augmented reality
- a great reading list to select your next professional development book from
- the recent standardization of human capital reporting
- a new way of approaching industry trends
How Design Reviews Elevate Digital Learning Experiences by Bianca Bauman
Instructional design is a phrase that I would argue is in danger of losing its meaning. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with ID; it’s that instructional designers are taking on so many roles outside the core element of ID (development, facilitation, graphic design, etc) that the individual components become at risk of being diluted. This post examines some of those different components within the context of an important part of building a learning experience: The design review.
Why New Sales Managers Need More Training by Andris A. Zoltners, Prabhakant Sinha, & Sally E. Lorimer
A common myth in business is that someone who is an expert at performing a task will also be effective at managing others performing that task. This post not only examines this myth, but it also explores how to make the case for managerial training and examples of training programs that could be applied to management audiences. The post specifically refers to sales managers, but the information can easily be applied to all types of managers.
10 Real Use Cases for Augmented Reality by James Paine
Augmented reality is a fascinating technology, but how is it being used? This post explores 10 examples that showcase the transformative power of AR.
15 Instructional Design Books You Should Know About by Connie Malamed
There are a number of great books that L&D Professionals can read as part of their professional development. This post highlights 15 great options to add to your reading list.
Human Resources Gets Its ISO Approval by Dan McMurrer & Laurie Bassi
The measurement and evaluation of learning is a common challenge for L&D professionals, and in truth has been for decades. There are lots of metrics and methodologies recommended in our field, and in many ways, that in itself is the problem. In most fields there aren’t options; there are standards. Those standards enable an apples-to-apples comparison across divisions, organizations, and industries. Training, and the broader Human Resources, has historically lacked the standards of other fields. That changed last year when the International Organization for Standardization passed standards for human capital reporting. This post explores those standards, and what they mean to organizations small and large.
In Real Life: Get Rid of the Boxes by JD Dillon
Technology is disrupting the way we live, work, and play at a rate unlike any time in history. These new technologies have the potential to open new doors for L&D and help advance our profession, but in order to harness that potential, we need to look at new technologies and methodologies differently than we have in the past. We tend to look at new trends like we’re watching a Lord of the Rings, searching for “the one solution that rules them all”. The problem is there is no “one solution”, and there’s no silver bullet. This post examines this challenge using a different analogy: the boxes we tend to use to store and categorize new ideas, and the drawbacks of treating trends with that approach.
Are You Ready for the Emergence of AR & VR Training?
Recent surveys collected by the eLearning Guild show a growing number of organizations actively exploring the applications of augmented reality and virtual reality in education and training. Here are just a few interesting takeaways from recent surveys.
Combine these sentiments with AR/VR industry surveys that show investments targeting enterprise training and education as one of the primary targets of AR/VR providers and it appears that AR/VR training is well-positioned for a breakthrough moment.
This year’s Realities360 Conference and Expo supports this unique moment by bringing together the industry providers that are building training and education platforms, tools, and solutions so that leading organizations and professionals can get the guidance and support needed to build their AR/VR strategies and programs.
If your organization is actively exploring, testing, or implementing AR or VR training and education, you need to be at Realities360 this June. Registration is now open, and many of the sessions you can expect are already online.
If you have any questions about this year’s event, feel free to shoot me an email.