CuraPatient: The Ultimate Care Journey Solution

CuraPatient: The Ultimate Care Journey Solution

During the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, CuraPatient partnered with a large metropolitan county to manage vaccinations. CuraPatient’s Othena vaccination care plan was a tremendous success for the county, delivering cost savings, efficiencies to combat provider burn-out, and higher completion rates to protect even the most vulnerable members of the community.?

Unlike other vaccination programs, CuraPatient’s intuitive digital platform engaged residents before, during, and after their vaccination appointments. In addition to the two physical vaccination appointments (spaced at 21 days for Pfizer and 28 for Moderna), CuraPatient created four opportunities to digitally engage with patients before and after each appointment, increasing the total number of encounters to six.?

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Benefits for Patients: Patients were able to complete assessment and eligibility surveys in advance, dramatically cutting wait times at appointments to under five minutes. Check-in was paperless, with QR codes to share relevant information, including consent, resulting in an average vaccination appointment of 15-30 minutes (including observation). Post-vaccination follow-up was also managed by the CuraPatient care plan, which automatically booked second appointments, sent appointment reminders, and provided a digital vaccination record valid for international travel.?

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Benefits for Providers: CuraPatient made vaccination paperless, with digital check-in and automatic reporting to all relevant agencies tracking vaccination rates. Post-vaccination symptom tracking alerted them to any issues in the observation area. Providers were able to average 20+ vaccinations per hour, far above the national average. And the post-vaccination process was automated since CuraPatient automatically scheduled follow-up appointments.??

Benefits for Public Health Administrators: CuraPatient’s registration process captured patient demographics, enabling prioritization by age-group or co-morbidity. CuraPatient automatically booked appointments based on vaccine supply and the number of available providers, enabling mass vaccination events of up to 10,000 people per day. And when supply chains were interrupted or adverse weather caused postponements, CuraPatient automatically rescheduled appointments and communicated with residents. CuraPatient facilitated daily uploads to state databases, seamlessly capturing and reporting all required information.

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Benefits for the Entire Community: ?CuraPatient’s six encounters drove higher vaccination rates - with only 2.3% of patients not completing their full course of treatment, far less than the 8% national average. Sites operated at 35% less cost than the FEMA national average, saving the county over $30 Million that could be spent on other healthcare offerings. Providers had 8.5 hour workdays, with no after-hours paperwork, combating burnout. And CuraPatient was able to adapt from mass vaccination events to targeted mobile and homebound services, ensuring the most vulnerable populations were also protected. By taking two disjointed physical encounters and turning them into a care journey of four digital engagements and two physical encounters, CuraPatient provided a roadmap for 700,000 people, including a high percentage of people over the age of 65, to successfully complete their vaccination care plan.?

To see how CuraPatient’s customizable care plans can improve your population’s health, visit our website at



