Are you going to miss me when I'm gone? All my life I have been told what people will think after I'm dead. The ones who speculate on that could have maximized the moment and made life more worthwhile.
My sister goaded me into watching two movies. Dirty Dancing which I ended up enjoying and Pitch Perfect which was run of the mill and paint by numbers. Both films feature very good songs from actors who got it right the first time.
She's Like the Wind is a good song that moves the story forward. Cups is a fun song and all I can stand from a movie I tried to watch. I always enjoyed Anna Kendrick. You can't go wrong with someone left handed born in August.
None of which has to do with an exit strategy. Right now I have eight articles in queue. I ordered two books from colleagues and have an anniversary article July 25. It is possible I'll step down at year's end like Roger Wilkerson.
I have no business on this site. If I were banned for whatever reason I could still go to work and meet other people on different sites. This is not a serious site. I have received the laugh emoji. It does not mean more than a heartfelt comment.
There is one time the "Funny" emoji should be used. When a man sends an inappropriate picture. No woman ever would and chances are his shortcomings are funny if not tragic. No one needs to see that.
Anywhere. On a professional website, an unprofessional website which this one is quickly becoming or anywhere else. The walls are caving in. Does the good outweigh the bad? I enjoyed scrolling through my articles to see if anyone else read them.
Impressions are vanity. Try depositing "One million impressions" in the bank. With 1,010,000 dead Americans and rising case numbers it is strange what will "Magically disappear." This site is less fun and there is less communication. Maybe I stayed at the party too long. Wouldn't be the first time.