Cuppa with the Coaches 10.6.22

Cuppa with the Coaches 10.6.22

This week

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This week at RWC we have some exciting news! For a long time we have wanted to have a business book club where we can chat, discuss and learn together. Our free book club is open to all clients, past and present, and can be accessed by signed up to the Growth Toolkit or by emailing [email protected]

This month we are reading a business classic: 7 habits of highly effective people. Like it? Or loathe it? We'd love you to let us know! And please suggest your favourite title for a future month. What book would you recommend to a new business owner starting up? Or a book for a business looking to grow? All titles considered!

Client Spotlight

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This month our client spotlight lands on Vanda Szabo, personal branding photographer. Vanda was part of our first cohort of clients on the Enterprising Worcestershire programme, she as an opportunity to meet new people and grow her business.?

Vanda gained confidence and clarity in her business and messaging, as well as more structure and focus from working with RWC. RWC gained a branding photographer as a result of Vanda's participation in the programme! Check out Vanda's website here:

In the news

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Sue Gray's recent report was damning about the culture, lack of leadership, lack of organisation and poor decisions within No.10 Downing Street. Then with this week's confidence vote, it has led us to think more about leadership and especially what it takes to be a great leader within our own businesses.

Upon reflection, the team at RWC put a moral compass as the number one measure of a good leader.

The dictionary defines a moral compass as

an internalised set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behaviour and decision-making.

What is your number one attribute in a great leader?

This week's challenge

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This week we'd like you challenge you to move out of your comfort zone. In our business book this month, Stephen Covey says:

Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness. You become a trailblazer, a pathfinder. You open new possibilities, new territories, new continents, so that others can follow.”

Have you ever been speed networking?

Create connections and get to know people QUICKLY without the awkwardness of 'finding someone to talk to'.

You will get a few minutes with each person, and a crib sheet with everyones contact details and space for notes so you don't have to waste time swapping cards!

Why not try it? What have you got to lose? (Except your comfort zone!)

We'll be meeting at The Kiln in Worcester on Monday 13th June from 5.30pm for an hour. It's free but places are limited, so please sign up here. We'd love to see you there!

About us

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In 2018, Emma White established Real World Consultancy to help small businesses overcome barriers in order for them to grow. Using her knowledge of analysis, change management, project and programme frameworks as well as leadership coaching skills; she then went on to?create a coaching and growth framework which has gone on to help 100's of business owners.

Emma's business success has been driven by her ability to find coaches that?fully align to the Real World Consultancy values and approach and they are known?for their engaging and fun approach to business.

Meet our coaches?here?and?book a free cuppa?and catch up! We look forward to meeting you.


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