The cupcake diet?

The cupcake diet?

I'm finally back to full health after a bout of a cough and cold...

And I was thinking about a recent conversation with a client about how a few years ago she lost almost 4 stone at a diet club...

But she didn't feel healthy because of it...

She actually felt quite drained by it.

Easily consuming lots of processed, sweetener-laden products because it made following the diet easier...

Whereas now she's lost almost 12lbs in 10 weeks in my program and her energy has never been compromised...

In fact, she's never felt better...

You see, a diet designed for weight loss may not necessarily be healthy...

And here's why...

Take the cupcake diet. (yes I made that up)

Everyone loves a cupcake...Right?

But they don’t love you, that’s for sure.

And they definitely don’t care about your health!

They’re full of fat and sugar...and you’ll probably get more nourishment from sucking on an ice cube.

Yet you can actually lose weight on a cupcake diet (I’m serious)!

So, say a lady needs 1800 calories a day just to live.

And her favourite cupcake is 200 calories.

In theory, this lady could eat 9 cupcakes per day and won't gain or lose body fat.

The calories going into her body equals the calories used.

Energy intake equals energy expenditure.

She can eat her cupcakes and be happy (for now).

Now if she dropped down to eating just 8 cupcakes per day she’ll be in a calorie deficit.

Her energy intake will be less than her energy expenditure.

This is exactly where you want to be if you’re going to lose body fat and want to drop a few pounds (fact).

Unfortunately, over time, her body won’t be thanking her.

Without going into the science of it all...

...her body will suffer a miserable existence and I doubt she’ll be living a long, healthy life either.

So here’s what you can learn about the cupcake diet…

There are plenty of faddy diets that let you eat crap and lose several pounds, drop a dress size, or menopausal belly...

But they suck at least from a health perspective.

These foods have low nutritional value bearing in mind the calories they contain.

They’re empty calories.

They don’t make you feel full and satisfied.

They don’t nourish your body.

You won’t feel good.

You won’t look good.

And you can say goodbye to your health.

This is the important bit…

Food might taste nice but start to think about what it’s doing to your body.

Sure you can have more relaxed meals.

You can treat yourself and have ice cream now and then.

Have a cupcake or birthday cake.

Yes, enjoy your food.

But make sure you’re eating food with nutrients.

Food that fuels your body and provides the building blocks for health.

When you’re eating food — or you are out for a meal— opt for foods that are higher in nutrients.

The biggest bang for your buck foods are typically high in nutrients and low in calories... so beans, rice, veg, fruit, lean meats, fish, poultry...

Then add in a little fat such as avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil...

And you got yourself a diet that helps you not only lose weight effortlessly...

But also with your energy and health still intact.

Helping women escape the trappings of diet clubs... lose 14 lbs or more of menopausal weight gain without compromising their energy and health...

is all part of my private 12-week coaching program.

I have 3 spots open to get started in August.

If interested, message me with the word INFO, and let's have a chat...


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