Cupcake Development Model: All For One And One For All
We all go to the parties or weddings and even host one; the most crucial thing one has to decide for these events is the cake. People have different views when it comes to the cake but cupcakes are unanimously selected for which the reasons are quite simple.
Having a big fat cake can be a total disaster, the guests fighting for the centerpiece or a piece with the candy. There is a common despair amongst the guests in spite of big investment and effort put by you. The cake is a total waste and nobody appreciates it.
I know you all agree with me so the rescue is: None other than the Cupcakes. Yes, it brings the instant smile on your face. Those small bites of heaven served with utmost beauty. A small bite for all and all for that one bite!
Just like this, the case is similar when you develop an app. You spend all your commercial availability on popularizing the app and developing it. You promote the app and leave no stone unturned to do it.
However, there are chances that in spite of all the efforts and money and time, the app can be a complete disaster.
Thus, rather going for the big cake why not indulge in the cupcake formula of baking. Here you try things on a smaller scale which does not require much investment.
Kind of Zen practice from Japan is followed in which not much efforts, time, and money are involved. Yet it appears to be rich, elite and appetizing. The frosting and garnishing do the job and any compromise is not resorted to. It is just the size that is compromised but that can be sorted later.
Thus the moral is that when you are in the trial phase you need to do in small scale and it will not cost you much or make you lose much. Go with the safe and small way while having an app in its beginning phase, later you can expand it.
Why should you resort to the Cupcake Model for the Enterprise Apps?
The enterprise apps are in huge demand but are facing the crisis of shortage. The industries are facing lack in mobile app development. The estimated shortage is that 1 to 20 apps are in the formation stages and the backlog of 10 to 20 enterprises apps.
The reason of shortage can be attributed to that of lack of skill and resources. Like the cake got goofed up due to these constraints and the cupcake won the heart and attained all glory. The skilled people to develop are less and thus the prices are skyrocketing.
How to get the baking started?
The cupcake model helps you to get started on a fast track mode. You can start with the best foot and try to work out the functionalities. As you progress and learn things you can add more variety of frosting, that is the features to your apps. As you progress with the tasting and feedback process from the customers you can build up better ideas to improve the app.
The steps to reach the stage of wholesome goodness-
1. Nail your app in one sentence: Be precise and clear about your idea of the app and bring it to the notice of the users and half the battle is won.
2. Build over a period of time:
a) Get alpha testers in the loop: A good app shapes up in time and not in a jiffy. Firstly start with some basic but cutting-edge functionalities. Developers can, later on, fit the features and you can launch the app for alpha testing.
Thus the app is all set to be used by a selected users under the guidance. If there is any loophole or bug then it is fixed immediately and the testing is done in a controlled environment.
This is a situation similar to the one when you start to bake. You experiment on your friends and family under your supervision and make the changes in the cupcake as per their recommendations.
You can add features to your app once you are equipped with the feedback from the testers. Thus it can be concluded that iterating saves significant resources and reduce the cost of app development.
b) Get beta testers in the loop: Once done with the alpha testers and all are fine then introduce the app to a bigger audience. Again similarly you will receive the feedback and you can make the appropriate changes as per the recommendations of the users. Since the audience is large so any issues of bug can be fixed later on.
The cupcake model does not recommend sub-standard app rather it focuses on starting with small scale to avoid wastage and when things are successful you can launch a wonderful app with all the features that you intend to have in it.
3. Stick to the same team of developers: The final outcome of the app should be with the help of in-house app developers or your technology partner. It is staying with the same team that will be of help in scaling fast. if you change the team of developers and try to shift to other developers the app may become a disaster in its later stages.
The cupcake model can help you to come up with a best minimum viable model by focusing on doing strongly rather than doing more.