Cupboard Boy: A truly disturbing story of child abuse. A gripping and emotional page turner, you won't be able to put down.
Excerpt from Cupboard Boy; by P T Saunders. Available on Amazon kindle and in paperback
I heard my mum scream even louder, as he started to beat her up on the staircase. I could hear the dull thud of each blow, as Roy’s fist connected to my mum’s face. I will never forget the sound.
My mother begged him to stop hitting her, but the more she pleaded, the more the blows fell. Finally, the house went scarily silent. At first, I thought the silence meant that he had killed her.
I was scared that he would turn his anger on me. I was hiding under the bed, when my mother came into my room a few minutes later, whimpering and with tears running down her battered, bruised and bloodied face. It was horrible, and I felt dreadfully sick at the sight of her battered face.
She got me dressed, took me downstairs and put me in my pushchair. Then, once again, my mum and I were walking the dark, cold and foggy streets of Cheshire, with her still whimpering in pain.