A Cup of Happiness
3rd Sunday of Lent
A Cup of Happiness
Fr. Gregory Gebbia, OFM
“Happy Lent!”?I often wish people this sentiment this time of the year.?The look is one of cognitive dissonance.?They seem to think that Lent and happiness are polar opposites.?Some tell me that it sounds like I am trying to dismiss, trivialize or even ridicule the exhortation often given on Ash Wednesday, “turn away from sin and believe in the good news.”?Rather than explain myself, I just move on, aware that I cannot help people be happier than they want. ?
Nonetheless, have a “joyful and happy Lent!” Happiness is discovered meeting Jesus at the well this Sunday.?The Samaritan women at the well is the longest story in the gospel and it is a deeply personal encounter.?It is not just about our thirsts.?It is tells of God’s thirst for us!?
Genuine love is “willing the good of another.”?Discernment is recognizing that God is thirsting for you.?The happiness God’s wants for you is not something, but someone, a relationship with Christ.?We can satisfy all our thirsts by accepting living water offered, the happiness that only God can give.?Discernment is like standing at the well thirsty.?God is waiting there.?Will you drink the cup of happiness being offered to you? The living water?is your happiness.