CUNA/Leagues - We're stronger together
Jim Nussle
Chief Executive Officer, AMERICA’S CREDIT UNIONS. Our mission is to advocate for and advance an environment where credit unions thrive.
Together, we made 2019 a success
It's the end of the year and I can't help but reflect on the big picture. Every success from 2019 brings me back to our cooperative superpowers. No one in our movement achieved any of our big wins alone and everything is a product of the CUNA/League system. The partnership between CUNA and the Leagues proves that age-old saying: we're stronger together. All of us, CUNA, Leagues, credit unions, Associate Business Members and system partners like CUNA Mutual, get the big things done.
And 2019 really was a remarkable year. We closed out the decade with successes across our core advocacy pillars. CUNA's Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan put together this helpful video that goes through all of 2019's biggest advocacy wins.
But the impact of our cooperative superpowers stretches beyond advocacy. It's part of everything we do. Take a few minutes and watch our 2019 Impact Report video and be reminded of all the amazing things we've accomplished together this year.
360-degree advocacy
Congress closed out the last week of 2019 before the holidays by wrapping up a couple big last-minute items. The Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act we fought so hard on this year, and lawmakers passed a budget that avoids another costly government shutdown.
With 2019 dwindling to an end, we sent one last 2019 message to every office on Capitol Hill sharing just a few examples of what make credit unions so very different than our competitors. Think financial literacy, debt forgiveness, dividends, and much more.
This week, we also advocated on:
- CFPB leadership: We submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court arguing a multi-member leadership commission would mitigate questions of constitutionality with the CFPB's current leadership system.
- NCUA: We commented on two NCUA proposals this week. The first on guidance for credit risk systems we warn shouldn't be applied as a mandate. The second a policy statement on credit loss we agree appears reasonable and agreeable with CECL.
- Housing finance: We shared our perspective with FHFA on pooling practices for its Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security (UMBS).
- Banking regulation: We supported a bill that would strike a balance between combating fraud and maintaining financial institution integrity.
Marcus Buckingham to keynote at CUNA GAC
Best-selling author Marcus Buckingham will join us at GAC this year to share his game-changing approach to employee development and organizational success. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements soon! And make sure you're registered to attend the biggest credit union event of the year.
CUs in the News
- CEO Update: I talk about the CUNA Boards' recent efforts to attract diverse candidates.
- Bankrate: CUNA Chief Economist Mike Schenk discusses the value of Christmas Club accounts popular among credit unions as a way to help prepare members for the holiday season.
- CU Insight: Unitus Board Chair Frank Chinn shares his excitement for what 2020 holds for the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union? campaign.
Congratulations to our new CUNA Board members!
The votes are in and I'm pleased to welcome newly elected Directors to the CUNA Board. We're fortunate to be guided by such experienced and thoughtful leaders.
Happy holidays and see you in 2020!
I hope all of you have a happy, relaxing holiday. I won't be sending my Nussle Report next week, so I look forward to catching up with everyone in 2020!
All the best,