The Culver Code of Conduct
Culver Academies is a boarding school on Lake Maxincuckee, surrounded by a sea of farmland and my alma mater. Culver prides itself on its principled approach to education, cultivation of great minds, and values-driven leadership programming. It's where I learn the most about myself, find my people, and form my core beliefs.
As a cadet at Culver Military Academy, you are filled with historical facts, learn about essential events where former students set good examples, and memorize many statements, creeds, and traditional works of literature and songs folks have written about Culver. For me, the most foundational of these is "The Culver Code of Conduct.
My aim in life is to become the best person I can be.
To quote one of my favorite teachers, Richard Battersby, my AP U.S. History teacher does what it says on the can.
It's hard to describe a single moment in life when I haven't been attempting to do this. Earnestly, it is the answer to everyone's question: "What am I here for?" Each of us is on a private Hero's Journey, becoming with each experience. Each of us is our own Main Character. It's a vibe, and I'm here for it.
To this end I will strive always to develop my potential to its fullest – physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually;
On my wrist is a tattoo that holds significant meaning to me. One of those meanings is a constant reminder of the story of a Phoenix-like rebirth. It serves as a signal to myself during times when I find myself at a crossroads. I always have two choices to make. Is this rebirth mandatory, or do I have a choice?
Similarly, sometimes you must break yourself down to build yourself back up, primarily when focusing on self-improvement. It's too good to fail; it's good to let go, and you must focus on building yourself back up and consult your advisors on improving.
I learned this lesson from the man himself, former Head of Schools John Buxton. His careful coaching is a core part of my routine for personal and professional self-reflection.
To make wise choices, exercise self-discipline, and accept responsibility for my actions;
As an Autistic person, simply being alive requires me to understand this one. I must operate on the defensive, and I have studied the arts of protest and war and learned how to practice the principles of Yogis and Quakers.
Dr. John Yeager always advised us "to become [our] favorite flowers; when I finally understood what he meant, I spun into an existential crisis, and he gave me tools to manage myself.
I am a dandelion.
To treat everyone as I would have them treat me;
Only a little to say on this one; just know that you should identify your principles and communication style.
For me, it's being a Servant Leader, coaching Empathetically, managing Sympathetically, believing in Serendipity, and trusting Independent Contributors.
to fulfill the ideal of service to others;
As a white man who passes as an upper-middle-class, cis-gendered, straight, educated person, it is, was, and always will be critical for me to hone my ability to meet people where they are, understand the impact of my skin color and cultural upbringing on myself and others, and study all the wrong-doings of my people.
That's on customer service and servant leadership. Enough said.
to place duty before self;
As I said before, we're all on a Hero's Journey. What is a Hero without a Dragon to slay?
Culver taught me the importance of community if anything else. My duty, as I understand it, is to understand their needs, design accessible services for them, and commit myself to process and policy improvement.
I will not rest until I complete this mission.
to lead by example and take care of those I lead;
This one is the hardest for people to understand. It's basic ethics to me and relatively easy to do.
You'll discover this for yourself if you learn to live by the aforementioned code of conduct. That's always been my intention; I'd encourage you to understand it independently or get in the comments or my DMs if you need tips or want to share your own examples.
and to live by the Culver Diversity Statement and Honor Code.
Culver has a long and proud tradition of fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment. And as society evolves, so too must their collective effort to ensure every student feels valued and empowered.
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As I lead my team through the launch of our product, I am reflecting on what all inspired me along my journey to feel capable of creating social impact tools for young people. What will follow are a series of reflections on Mission Statements, Community Standards, and my personal history. I'll write when I feel moved to like, comment, and follow for more...
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