Culture: Start as you mean to go on in 2024
Among the endless blogs and articles about what to expect from workplace culture in 2024 is a simple message for leaders: ‘You have to do something.’
Many leaders are still hoping that their people will accept values that aren’t lived, a vision that isn’t used as a basis for decision-making, managers who act without empathy in pursuit of ‘high performance’ or that the desire for flexibility will simply fade away.
None of that will happen. The world of work has changed and expectations around culture have changed with it.
It’s not enough to talk about change . Action is the antidote to a failing culture.
At a minimum, leaders have to work with employees to define what a vibrant culture is. Not tell them what it is - this fuels disengagement - but instead bring them together so that people from across the organisation can determine what great culture means in their context. Only then can everyone collaborate to achieve this.
The signs of a toxic culture are there if you’re willing to look , and you can recognise a vibrant culture by these characteristics:
Ultimately, the key signs of a vibrant culture are happy staff, achieving results. Of course, a little patience and some resilience is required, but both of these things are possible for every organisation and team in 2024 and beyond.
This is the work that fires me up and throughout 2023 I’ve helped different people in different ways, all of whom were determined to do something.
I’ve helped CEOs and senior people leaders to understand where they currently stand and the work required to create a vibrant culture through my Culture Blueprint calls. You can find out more and book one by clicking here .
I’ve run many workshops and delivered many speeches to help organisations and teams to create the foundations for success. You can find some of the case studies towards the bottom of the page here and? if you’re interested in working with me, click here to set up a call .
I’ve published a white paper for executives to help them better understand how culture is formed so that they understand the context. I’ve also published a white paper for managers to help them understand how to build and evolve vibrant cultures. You can download both of these here.
I’ve interviewed 12 people and asked them to share their ideas as part of my Culture Makers podcast. You can listen to that here .
I’ve recorded 24 podcasts that deconstruct culture in order to help people of all capabilities to better understand how it works. You can listen to them all here .
I’ve written a new book (provisionally titled) Detox Your Culture, which will be published by Bloomsbury in 2024. Sign up to my newsletter here to receive updates on when that will be available.
I’ve started a partnership with an ex-footballer and together we have published a paper calling for culture change in sports. You can read about us and download the paper here .
And of course, I’ve written lots of blogs that you have faithfully read!
In 2024 I will continue my quest to help as many people as is possible in all industries around the world to help them change the conditions required for success. I’d love to hear from you about what you’ve enjoyed the most, so I can continue to focus on the areas that add the most value.
Thank you for following me this year and look forward to seeing you back here in 2024! I’ll be back on the blog w/c 22nd January.